New to MFP

I am so glad to be here and have read most of your stories. I am very inspired. I look forward to loosing weight and living a healthy lifestyle.


  • fat_tastic
    Welcome aboard the MFP train !!!!!
  • deb_sully
    Welcome to MFP! This week has really been a bust for me! But just having this site with the wonderful support has been a live-saver. I encourage you to log on EVERY single day. That is what pulls me back when I've lost my senses! :)
    Welcome and Enjoy.

  • mowglimaye
    Hello!!! I'm here I currently am on the HCG Liquid Diet, I have lost 5 pounds in the past 2 days.. im really happy about that, many of us joined this site so we can have some support... I am always welcome to new friends and love meeting new people.. and I think the hardest part of loosing weight is trying to figure out who you can talk to, becuase my hubby bless his soul can eat whatever he wants and he doesnt understand... so sites like these become a life saver!