Office Celebration Help!

So every week like clockwork, our office has a celebration and I have been resisiting like MAD! Now we have a chili cook off and guess who is in charge...ME!! UGH! It smells SO freaking amazing in our kitchen and I have to man the money. Its not that I don;t believe in splurging...but I was so bad this weekend...I splurged enough for a while! So in order to resist temptation, I have eaten my lunch already beforehand and drunk about 4 glasses of water. I also have some coffee to drink while I'm in charge on the money in the kitchen. But I was wondering....what do you all do when faced with office temptations??


  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I have worked in large offices and small offices and the one constant is that the people that eat whatever food is around are really fat.
    I would recommend that you partake in everything, but limit your portions.
    No one expects you to do more than have a taste of what is around.
    Good Luck
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    shoot im totallly one of those people, i'm on in the "office party planning commitee" where we throw huge potlucks once a month, i end up just eating whatever, its just a day, obviously try and eat more of the good stuff and maybe take a bite or two of each of that bad stuff instead of a whole serving..but i feel like stuff like this is unavoidable. actually, the next office party i'm planning is a SALAD bar where people bring in a recipe of thier favorite salad, and then a few ingrediants of it, so its a healthy work party =) try suggesting that to your office! =)
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    I bring something that I can eat while everyone is eating the other stuff. :tongue: or if I didn't know ahead of time then I slpurge and eat a light dinner.:bigsmile
    But be careful because sometimes the eating a light dinner will back fire on me,because that is when my husband will want to eat out of we will have someone over and I have to cook a regular meal:frown:
  • stanchfielda
    I know exactly what you are talking about! I face that challenge at work as well. The best thing I can do offer is on days when you know there are going to be office celebrations do basically what you did. Bring in some of our own food and beverages. Maybe bring in something that is a bit of a treat for yourself (like a low fat ice cream bar) or I like to have one of those 100 calorie popcorns. I just like to have something to turn too- because it is SO hard to watch everyone else snack and enjoy that food so have something that you also enjoy, but may be a little better for the waist line :-)

    Good luck!!
  • stanchfielda
    I love the salad bar idea!! great thinking!!! :-)
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    It's a bit too late, but in the future, i'd suggest having a competition for the best "healthy or low calorie" version. Or if it isn't a competition, just suggest there be a healthy section and a non healthy section. I can't imagine you are the only person who is concerned with what they eat at the office. This day and age with the rise in health care costs and such i'm sure the suggestion wouldn't be unappreciated.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I decided to be proactive and told people about how I was trying to lose weight and said "Wouldn't it be nice if we could eat lower calorie versions of the same foods we know and love?" The idea planted a seed in everyone in the lunch room and now we try to outdo each other to see who can bring in the healthier dish!

    We still do occasionally have indulgance days, but they're only once a month now. For instance, we're having a "fall appreciation" potluck at the end of this month. We've got corn casserole, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes and turkey breast. I can have a small portion of each and still stay within my calorie limits.

    Chili can actually be pretty low calorie, if portioned correctly and made with healthy ingredients. The one I make is only 300 calories for just shy of 2 cups! I'm full and satisfied and guilt free.

    Perhaps you can suggest, if they have a cookoff in the future, to see who can bring in the tastiest low-calorie chili!
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    Chili's aren't exactly bad for you, especially if its a vegitarian chili :] Enjoy, you only live once!