This is going to sound crazy, but....

GambleGurl Posts: 39
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok since i gave been two years old i DO NOT eat fruit, vegetables, or seafood! Most people do not understand this but this is how it is. It is 90% a texture thing and 10% taste. It is not that i havnt tried different thing to try and get over it but it seems like through my life i have not found anything that will work except eating quite a bit of spaghetti sauce to get some type of veggie in there. I have tried V8 (even the fruit fusion) and i couldnt do it. I have been doing better about fish but can only seem to handle it if its tuna in a can or fried fish cuz i grew up on fish sticks! lol I even eat homemade banana bread to get bananas in because i cant eat them by themselves. I hate cooked fruit like in pies and thing. Generally i can hadle a raw apple here and there but there isnot one vegetable i have found that i like or can handle eating.

Does anyone have any other suggestions on ways to hide some of these things in there?
Should i try doing those fruit and vegetable vitamins that have your daily servings in one pill?

I just dont know!!! I am at a loss!!!



  • I have a friend who is the same way, no fruits or veggies for him. I would imagine if you make spinach lasagnas or casserole dishes where everything is mixed in you could hide the taste. I wonder if its an unconcious issue, meaning you know there are veggies in something so you convince yourself you wont like it.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    You sound like my wife. I think she has what they now call "Adult Picky Eater Disorder"(but don't tell her). She eats fruit but almost no veggies and certainly no fish. Texture is an issue for her also.
    Sorry, I can't give you any advice, I wish I could.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    blend them up (like with an imulsifier-sp?) with a juice that covers the veggie taste like apple juice. You can do amazing things like that. You may want to try more exotic fruits since the tastes are different. Often your tastes change after adulthood so you may want to try some of them again or try to have friends cook them in without you knowing. They may have some great advice on how to add them to your foods.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
  • :flowerforyou: Maybe you could try a shake, at vitamin mix world they have one with friut, greens, vegetables, and protien and you mix it with anything you want, juice, water, milk!!! Hope that helps!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Think about it as if you're living in some rural stretch of land somewhere in Asia or Africa where it's rice, rice, rice. Do you think any of those people are so picky?

    This has to do with your mindset and the ONLY thing that will change this is the act of eating a more diversified diet.

    "If you want to do it, all you have to do is do it." - Ben
  • flinchyny
    flinchyny Posts: 106 Member
    Eating a lot of spaghetti sauce is actually a good idea (since you seem to like it, and since cooked tomatoes are super healthy).

    So here is a suggestion, if you don't do this already, make your own sauce (fresher ingredients, lower sodium) and add a vegetable to the sauce, like squash or eggplant or mushroom or pepper (all "go" with tomato sauce) or even some shredded spinach (or any leafy green vegetable -- kale, chard, etc.) or sliced carrots.

    When you make the sauce, use onion and garlic, of course, for flavor and nutrients.

    If you don't mind the texture of tomato sauce, look into making pureed soups -- any kind of squash soup is especially tasty. Also good: potato (sweet or white), or carrot. Google for recipes. Someone already mentioned an emulsion blender -- this what you'd need for soup.

    That is too bad your family didn't nip this in the bud when you were two. :( Oh well!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    As a general rule, I wouldn't eat anything I don't like to eat.

    I would do your own research here to find out what you are neglecting by abstaining from fruit/vegetables. If you can get these micronutrients elsewhere, then go that route.

    EDIT: And if you can't, then this would be one specific case where I'd try to find something you can tolerate.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    I was never much of a fruit or vegetable eater until I was 15 years old. I ate even more when I went vegetarian from the time I was 16-19years old. A lot of it is inner motivation. When I went vegetarian, I was motivated to try lots of fruits and veggies that I have never eaten before because it was better than eating just meat, dairy, and carbohydrates. I'm an omnivore now, and I love (almost) everything. I see fruits and vegetables as something necessary for fiber content and nutrition. Without them, I'd be incredibly sick and would feel bloated all the time. Isn't that worth trying to eat them?
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    I'm not as bad as you but i have issues with these foods too, i love apples and tuna , i like most root veg - but only if it has gravy on. Apart from that i don't like anything. I keep trying to like them but just can't. I will continue to try them and hoping one day io will. Good luck xx
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    You have to try a disliked food at least 20 times before you can say you really really don't like it. Consequently if you like NO fruit or vegetables you have an uphill struggle to get over it. Try one at a time - it is a bit soul destroying to think you have to dish up something you don't like over 20 times - and do it for the entire range of fruit and veg - but it might be worth trying a few things. It has to be tried fairly frequently to count. Try nibbling at a fruit over a day

    Tried fruit smoothies?

    I am lucky in that I love fruit and veg but I totally understand texture as an issue - individually I like bread, butter, milk, cream, sugar and raisins but put them togather in the British classic of Bread and Butter pudding and I heave. Yuk

    Wishing you luck
  • limex
    limex Posts: 81 Member
    I don't eat any veggies or fish either (although I do eat fruit), never have. I hate the texture, the smell, the taste, everything, so I understand!

    Have you tried cauli-pizza? Just make sure to mix in lots of oregano and basil into the crust itself, and you won't taste the veg at all! Make sure you take a multi-vit too.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Do you like soups? Maybe try a soup where you blend all the vegies together. I like V8 Fusion, though a lot of people on here seem to be against fruit juices. It doesn't have any extra sugar like their other juices.

    I forget the names off hand, but I've seen commercials for sauces and such that have full servings of vegies but they are sneaky for kids who hate veggies. If I remember, I'll get back to you.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    Also, you cannot get the same nutrition as you would from veggies and fruits a from a vitamin or pill.

    Go about it the same way parents do with infants and toddlers. Try to eat them. Over and over again. It takes about 20 times to obtain a tolerance to a food. I got used to spinach and broccoli with that method. Now I LOVE THEM!
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    Nope, not crazy at all. I was pretty much the same way. Apples were the ONLY fruit I would eat because I didn't like the taste or texture of other fruits. Veggies....yuck. Didn't like them either.... and forget seafood. Most of this is because I am the daughter of what I will call a conservative eater. My mother lives on chicken, beef, pork, potatos and pasta. BUT.......there came a time when I needed to branch out and force myself to give some of these things another chance. I've learned, for instatnce, that I LOVE red and orange bell peppers. The green ones are take it or leave it, but the red and orange...yummy! Carrots are tolerable and I've found that if I cut up some raw brocoli and add in about 5 pieces of bacon cumbled, some carrot strips, a little onion and then mix it up with plain greek yogurt and white wine vinegar, the brocoli salad is quite yummy. Artichokes and Spinach....make a dip and keep it low cal by making substitutions. Those two things together in a heated dip are fantastic! Fruit....I still eat an apple almost every day, but I've learned that I like red grapes and cantelope. Watermelon is good but I've found that yellow watermelon is better! Strawberries are good and my latest revelation....and they are almost in season again is Pomegranates. Oh, they are yummy and I never would have eaten one on my own. The guy I am dating has talked me into trying so many new things, including seafood. Shrimp, crab, lobster, scallops....when prepared the right way are oh so good. Part of it for me was fear of trying new things. Now, I've got myself trained to at least give something a chance, if you don't like it you don't have to finish eating it.....but at least try it! If your out with someone and they are eating something you normally would not eat, ask them if you can try just a small bite. That's how I did it. My mother can't believe the stuff I eat now, lol
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    My son is the same even as a tiny child he would spit out anything with veggies in it and that was before he knew what a veggie was so it was not a deliberate choice that he made. He says it is texture/taste thing as well. He has tried different things he just can't stomach them. Cabbage for instance makes him sick.

    It used to upset me as a mum that he wasn't eating properly but the doctor advised not to force him to eat things that made him feel ill as it was cruel and just distressed him. Mealtimes were a lot happier after that advice and he his healthy, slim, and very fit.

    Ignorant people think it is easy, (just put it in your mouth chew and swallow) but they don't understand so don't take the negative, useless suggestions to heart. Talk to you doctor and maybe you can find other ways to get the vitamins you need.
  • Hiding foods from yourself, for the rest of your life, virtually guarantees you will eventually fall off the wagon and gain the weight back. It's just a disengenuous approach to food.

    You say it's 90% about the texture, but the entire spectrum of fruit and vegetables incorporate a huge variety of textures. Steamed broccoli's rough texture is nothing like the smooth texture of a roasted sweet potato is nothing like the juicy burst of a ripe blackberry.

    Honestly, if you've eaten this way your entire life, it's a mental block more than a physical aversion. You are retraining yourself right now to lead a healthy lifestyle. Why not approach food with the same curiosity? My husband, when we met, declared that he hated certain fruits and vegetables. After prodding him, I discovered it was because of the way they were presented to him as a child. I love asparagus, but only fresh asparagus; if I had only been exposed to the canned monstrosity that he endured as a kid, I wouldn't have liked the vegetable either. If I thought all cherries tasted like the artificially sweet marinated Maraschino cherries, I would have avoided them as well.

    The point is, discover the true taste of fruits and vegetables. Look up five different ways to prepare a sweet potato, and see if you like any of those recipes. Same with spaghetti squash. Have you roasted chick peas with spices before? How about mixing diced strawberries with balsamic vinegar and cracked black pepper? Ever tried a mango salsa on grilled pork? The variety of food out there is endless!

    And if all else fails, watch Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations. You can find clips on YouTube. After seeing some of the awful things people eat every day, and endure (think raw ostrich egg coated in dirt), that fresh spinach and grapefruit salad won't look so bad! ;)
  • You can blend pureed squash or sweet potato into spaghetti sauce and it does not affect the flavor. Also, you can bake cakes with a can of pure pumpkin. Try mixing grated carrott into meatloaf of hamburgers.
  • I mean I have tried things! It's not just grown up cuz i have throughout the years tried different things and different ways to incorporate stuff. Like eating tomato sauce, my husband at least got some fish in my diet although its not all that often. He even got me to eat alligator meat! lol I can eat some raw vegetables like carrots, cauliflour, lettace most of the time... I have tried the spinach lasagna and i do believe thats more mental because i know i have eaten my aunts! Thats why i say its 90% texture cuz its so pathetic to see me try new things cuz ill be gagging up a storm.

  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I think it's more of a conscious/subconscious thing for you than just the texture if you can't even have V8 juice like the Fruit Fusions ones, because those to me taste like 100% sugar and no real fruit taste. So I think overcoming your brain is going to be the most important thing. Mind over matter! Believe anything and you can achieve it. I 100% stand by this.

    I have a few examples from my own life. For my whole life until I was 18 I had trouble with eye contact. Looking people directly in the eyes made me very uncomfortable for some reason. I just couldn't do it. But I saw it as a weakness that I really needed to overcome, so everyday I literally forced myself to keep eye contact with people while talking to them. It was painful, but eventually I got over it and now it comes naturally and I don't have to force it anymore. I also used to have a disorder when I was younger (probably about 13-14) where I'd pull out my hair unconsciously. I had a large bald spot, and finally I realized something had to change. So I forced myself to stop. It was hard but I overcame that as well! I also was an unhealthy eater when I was younger. Pretty much the only fruit I'd eat was apples and cooked carrots. I hated veggies and other fruits. But when I went away to college, I knew this had to change! I wanted to be healthier. So I forced myself to eat fruits and veggies. At first it made me want to gag to try new things. I couldn't stomach the taste or the texture. But I just kept working at it. Even if I didn't like it, I'd eat it because I knew it was good for me. It took a little time, but now I love pretty much all fruits and veggies! I think it is an acquired taste. Some of us get accustomed to it earlier in life, and some later in life. Just keep trying... It'll make such a big difference in your health!
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