Hula Hooping?

gecho Posts: 426 Member
I read about this and watched a few videos and it looks SO FUN!
i used to be pretty good as a kid, not doing tricks or anything but just basic hooping.

My question is this: Have you ever tried 'hooping' for weight loss/toning? Where can i get a weighted hoop SUPER cheap? i really can't afford the ones i found online ($30+:grumble: not to mention shipping!)


  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Bump, I'm curious to know too.
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
  • ChristinaLConway
    ChristinaLConway Posts: 115 Member
    I have only been doing this for a few days but hula hooping and a tiny bit of jump rope (I have no endurance!) is what I have been doing for exercise. I love it. As you can see from my diary Ive already lost 4lbs.
  • I hula on the wii! I can't do it with a real one, but it burns calories!
  • lov3vh
    lov3vh Posts: 70
    i saw one at walmart yesterday.. but i dont recall the price..

    i got mine at a craft trade show... but it was $40...
  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    I bought a regular one form toys r us for $5.00.

    I heard the weighted ones are easier to keep up, so I decided the kid ones would be more of a workout.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    My daughters teacher is an avid Hula hooper, she brings her giant weighted Hula hoop to school and hoops while she's on yard duty. I haven't tried it (my kids Hula hoops are toooo small!) but she says its a great workout.
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Hoop dance has become one of my passions in life. I had no idea after picking up a hoop nearly 2 years ago it would effect my life so much.
    It is a fantastic workout. I can burn close to 200 calories in 20 minutes! You can easily teach yourself fun, awesome tricks through youtube tutorials. It really is limitless on what you can do and learn.
    If money is an issue you may want to google making your own hula hoop. It's far less expensive to go that route. I personally don't recommend those heavy weighted hoops. You cant do much with them and they hurt! Although, I recently picked one up at my Goodwill store for $1.99.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    Hoop dance has become one of my passions in life. I had no idea after picking up a hoop nearly 2 years ago it would effect my life so much.
    It is a fantastic workout. I can burn close to 200 calories in 20 minutes! You can easily teach yourself fun, awesome tricks through youtube tutorials. It really is limitless on what you can do and learn.
    If money is an issue you may want to google making your own hula hoop. It's far less expensive to go that route. I personally don't recommend those heavy weighted hoops. You cant do much with them and they hurt! Although, I recently picked one up at my Goodwill store for $1.99.

    but what kind of hoop did you pick up 2 yrs ago? & the hoop you picked up at goodwill is it weighted?
  • Mine is 40 inches and weighs 1kg. It cost about £17 online which I think is about $25?
    I know the cost is no help to you as I'm in the UK but I'd definitely say get one, when I first did it I could feel it in my abs afterwards like I'd been doing LOTS of sit ups and it's quite good fun. The weight and the size definitely does help keep the momentum up. Mine has been worth it as my worst areas are my belly and arms and it's reduced my belly a bit and helped stengthen my abs
  • I've only been hooping for a few months but I am in love with it :) It's really quite good cardio too - I'm always knackered after about 30 mins! A lot of people sell hoops on etsy but here's a link to how to make your own;

    I'm from the Uk so found a site that sells them real cheap. I go for lightweight (think it's 1/2" or 3/4" PSI) as it's more cardio to keep them up and I find them better for doing tricks (less bruising). I started off with 40" and got my 38" in yesterday :)