Did anyone see 'The Doctors' tv talk show?

If so, what where the 4 things Jillian was going to talk about? Something about 4 things to help lose weight or something like that??? I missed it! :sad: I came down with Influenza A on the 18th and then last Tuesday my doctor told me that I had pneumonia too. Ugh! I'm tired of staying home. So anyway, both yesterday and today I fell asleep before it came on. :yawn:


  • PhotographerOfNature
    PhotographerOfNature Posts: 452 Member
    If so, what where the 4 things Jillian was going to talk about? Something about 4 things to help lose weight or something like that??? I missed it! :sad: I came down with Influenza A on the 18th and then last Tuesday my doctor told me that I had pneumonia too. Ugh! I'm tired of staying home. So anyway, both yesterday and today I fell asleep before it came on. :yawn:
  • amccarville
    amccarville Posts: 185
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,015 Member
    oooh thanks for the question, I am now reminded to watch it in 22 minutes! (West Coast)
  • amccarville
    amccarville Posts: 185
    "I don’t have enough time." "I’m too busy." "I can’t afford it." "I’m not motivated." We’ve heard all the excuses of why you can’t or won’t reach your fitness and exercise goals. But this time, no more excuses! Whether your obstacles are big or small, mental or physical, there is a solution for you.

    If you go to that website it breaks down all 4.
  • PhotographerOfNature
    PhotographerOfNature Posts: 452 Member
    I did go to that website before I posted the question and couldn't find it. Help? Where do I go within that site to find it?

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    I did go to that website before I posted the question and couldn't find it. Help? Where do I go within that site to find it?


    copy and paste this link:


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,015 Member
    . what she said ^

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    No More Excuses!
    "I don’t have enough time." "I’m too busy." "I can’t afford it." "I’m not motivated." We’ve heard all the excuses of why you can’t or won’t reach your fitness and exercise goals. But this time, no more excuses! Whether your obstacles are big or small, mental or physical, there is a solution for you.

    Fitness expert Jillian Michaels from the hit TV show The Biggest Loser joins The Doctors to count down the top four excuses people use to not exercise, lose weight or get fit. Are you guilty of making these same excuses? The no-nonsense trainer will get you up, moving and motivated -- for good!

    Excuse #4 – No Motivation

    1. Set specific goals.
    Why do you want to achieve your fitness or exercise goals? Write them down and keep them in mind every time you’re tempted to raid the fridge and cheat!

    “Make sure to set realistic goals,” Dr. Travis advises.

    2. Tell everyone you know about your goals – it holds you accountable to them.

    3. Take before and after pictures -- they'll motivate you more than you think.

    4. The revenge factor. Never underestimate the motivation derived from revenge.

    “If you have an ex, or a high school reunion coming up – nothing beats the revenge factor!” Jillian says with a laugh. “Then you can say, ‘Look what you missed out on, jerk!’”

    Excuse #3 – No Knowledge

    Many people labor under a gross misunderstanding of food’s nutritional content, and don’t understand the fundamentals of how to lose weight. The numbers don’t lie: to lose weight, you must expend, or burn, more calories than you eat. It’s as simple as that. Oftentimes, healthy foods are prepared in an unhealthy way, which defeats the purpose! It’s time to take charge and be vigilant about what you’re putting into your body.

    Eating Out
    If you’re in a restaurant, you need to ask how food is prepared. Green beans cooked in olive oil versus green beans cooked in butter are vastly different in their caloric and fat content.

    “Be high-maintenance!” Jillian instructs. “Educate yourself! Ask for foods to be prepared differently. For example, ask for your vegetables to be steamed vegetables or have them prepared in olive oil.”

    Label Trickery
    Make sure to read the labels on your food and understand the serving size, which is often much smaller than you think.

    At only 16 calories a tablespoon, sugar is better for you than any artificial sweeteners, which are loaded with chemicals that can increase appetite and store fat.

    “Artificial sweeteners are what’s called an excitotoxin, and what they can do is re-train your metabolism to not recognize the calories in sweet foods,” Jillian explains. “In theory, according to several studies, they excite the part of your brain that controls appetite and release a hormone called neuropeptide Y that increases appetite and stores fat.”

    Honey, agave nectar, stevia and xylitol are all healthy sweeteners to use as well.

    "Health is Wealth,
    Movement is Medicine"

    The Bartendaz burst onto the scene as positive role models for urban youth. The isometric, or resistance, exercises don’t require fancy equipment, a gym membership or any money whatsoever. And, they can be done anywhere!

    The calisthenics movement is gaining momentum, and founder of the Bartendaz, Hassan Yasin, as well as Brittany and Cody, fellow Bartendaz, perform onstage and show how easy it is to push, pump and pull your way to fitness.

    Check out their moves!

    Excuse #2 – No Money

    The Bartendaz prove you don't need money to exercise. (See box at right)

    Excuse #1 – No Time

    “When you don’t have a lot of time to workout, the key is to make every second count,” Jillian instructs.

    High-Intensity Interval Training (HITT)
    High-intensity interval training is a way to intersperse cardiovascular work in between resistance training to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, and keep burning them long after you've completed the workout.

    “You want to do one-minute cardio exercises throughout your workout to bump that calorie burn, and jack up that heart rate,” Jillian instructs.

    Muscle Recovery
    If you work one muscle group one day, work another group the next day, Jillian advises. “Give your body the proper amount of time to rebuild and recover, otherwise you’re just damaging the muscle.”

    “If exercise is the architect, recovery is actually rebuilding the muscle,” Jillian says. “We create these little micro-tears [in the muscle] and they have to heal and repair.”

    Get Rid of the Baby Weight!
    Jennifer, 28, had a baby a year and a half ago, and is still trying to shed the weight she gained during her pregnancy. “I still have about 25 pounds [to go] to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight,” she says.

    “The best thing is to not put on the baby weight in the first place,” Dr. Lisa advises. All women gain weight during pregnancy, but being mindful of a healthy amount will make losing post-baby weight much easier.

    Jillian adds that to lose weight, Jennifer still needs to watch what she eats, do cardio, and train her entire body. “But if you want to be pregnancy-specific, you want to be rehabilitating your abs. Pilates is a great way to rehabilitate your core,” the trainer says.

    The trainer shows Jennifer two different Pilates exercises on the mat, hundreds and scissor kicks, and stresses that a strong core is essential to pre and post-pregnancy.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,015 Member
    I didn't know Jillian had her own Wii game!

    The show was good.
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Did anyone see Jillian doing those fancy chin ups?? I am so jealous, wish I was that strong.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,015 Member
    Did anyone see Jillian doing those fancy chin ups?? I am so jealous, wish I was that strong.

    Whoa - yeah, who were the three people demonstrating? Did you catch the YouTube name ?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    That was a great episode today!

    I watched it while on the elliptical at the gym for an hour!! :laugh:
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I was watching and dvring it, but it was cut off because of the flood here. I did get to see her do I chin up and bycyle thing.