Gaining :(

JustBeckyV Posts: 182
edited October 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Little background - my husband in April started the process of getting placed on a transplant list. About that same time I had decided to train for my first marathon in October. Things were going along pretty well - I was starting to run more and was running about 4 days a week. I was always doing some other kind of cross training in the morning with videos or wii games.

Then came July and my husband had his transplant and life went a little crazy. I had stopped most of my morning exercise and was running maybe once a week. I hadnt given up on my marathon training but I was just doing the long runs. Of course what I was eating wasnt the greatest because it was hospital food. But the scale was staying and wasnt going on. So I thought I was doing ok.

Eventually we moved back home -well we are living with my mother who does not cook so healthy - and I started running 4 days a week again and doing 18 - 20 miles on Saturday alone. I was doing workouts most mornings and was watching what I was eating more and the weight started packing on. Each week another 1 - 2 lbs.

Now it's October and I have gained just about 12 lbs since then. So over about 2 months time I have put on 10 lbs the other 2 were over the other part of the summer. I am just at a loss. I have been running more than ever - watching what I have been eating and doing the cross training so what gives? My tummy has definitely expanded and my jeans are tight and I can tell when I am running that I have the added weight.

Could it be that I wasnt eating enough during training? Is it the stress? Is it I am not eating the way I really should be eating? Very frustrated.

My marathon is on Sunday and I want to really figure out what I need to do next to get this weight back off and get the belly gone!!


  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    Wow, that is quite a story. First of all, I hope your hubby is doing well, and I wish him a full recovery!
    I would think this is 2 things. Now, I'm not an expert, it's just my opinion. I think a big part of it is stress! How can it not be??? There is nothing worse than seeing your loved one suffer and there is absolutely nothing you can do!
    Secondly, I wonder if your body has grown accustomed to your routine, and needs a "shake up". Try one of the beachbody workouts for some muscle confusion. Try Insanity, Turbo Fire or P90x....that will definitely change your body a bit, and won't hurt with your running either.
    Good luck to you and your hubby.
  • Thats what I am thinking too - trying one of those programs. The reason I have avoided the p90x is the chin up bar - I dont have anywhere to put it really. So if its essential to the rest of the workouts to work then it doesnt make sense. I thought about the turbo fire and there is another like the p90x that isnt as intense. IDK if anyone has tried it.
  • Anyone else have any insight?
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Well you can definately do p90x without the chin up bar. They have resistance band movements you can do in lieu of the bar, so if that is the only reason stopping you, it shouldnt.
    Have you been eating the same caloric intake for the past 3-5 months? If you are now working out more then you were over the summer and are eating the same, I cant explain why you are not losing. I would expect a gain over the summer when you were only doing the one long run a week because many times people over estimate their calorie burn and figure they can eat more since they ran for 2 or 3 hours, but i would have expected the weight to come off when you increased your mileage.
    Is your diary open? how much weight do you need/want to lose? what is your macro % (fat/carb.protein)? How do you feel when running energy wise?
  • 750psi
    750psi Posts: 8 Member
    Have you considered the weight gain could me a muscular gain?
  • That is my question - that i would have expected it over the summer but not now unless it's "catching" up to me. I use lose it app on my phone and have been logging everything over the lsat month and am not seeing it there too.

    I would think muscle too but my tummy is showing a gain for sure - I know I have been bloated lately though :( Maybe I have some bigger issue going on.
  • 750psi
    750psi Posts: 8 Member
    If your sodium intake increases or fluid intake drops off, it can cause water retention that could be mistaken for weight gain.
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