Stuck at the same weight for 2-3 months!! NEED SOME HELP!!

So, I've been working out and eating right for the past 5 months and my weight isn't going NO WHERE!!! When I first started I weighted 232 and now I'm stuck at 214-217 for the past 2 to 3 months. I've changed my work out routine and really have been watching what I eat but I don't know if there is something I'm doing wrong? I NEED HELP!!! :(


  • When a client of mine says that, the first thing I ask is, where is your diary? I was stuck a weight for a while as well, and once I changed to a healthy diet, I started losing again.
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    Have you been eating back your work out calories? When I don't, I plateau and it NEVER comes off!
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I'm no expert... but looking at your diary, it looks like you aren't eating a whole lot and what you do eat is taking up a lot of your calories (i.e. McDonalds). Maybe look at how to use your calories better... you certainly get a lot more out of eating lots of vegetables and lean protein than you do out of some processed food with more calories. Also try eating every 2-3 hours, it looks like you aren't eating often either.
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    I had a look back a couple of days... I wonder, if you put a stop to the macdonalds nuggets and especially the fries and tried eating clean it might help you have more energy and be more motivated to exercise. That helped me :smile:

    Well done with your weight loss so far! x
  • ToNiBeE99
    ToNiBeE99 Posts: 33 Member
    Yes I did stop the mcdonalds. I do carry my own journal with me everyday and write my meals in there. I haven't been using myfitnesspal a lot because I've been using an app called NOOM and I've been logging everything in there. So just to see how both will work I've using MFP lately.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    try eating cleaner less fries, chips, processed foods, also try not eating back all of your exercise cals. For some people it works to eat back the exercise cals, for some it works to eat back 1/2 and for some not to eat any at all. experiment and see what works for you. For me if I want to lose weight i cant eat back any of the exercise cals.....
  • ToNiBeE99
    ToNiBeE99 Posts: 33 Member
    @ themommie: Idk how eating back your workout calories works for some people. As for me it doesn't work. Maybe I will try only half and if that doesn't work I just won't eat my workout calories. Thanks!
  • Maybe you need to up your calorie intake a little ,I upped mine 246 calories and it seemed to make a difference. I recently plateaued too and was feeling weaker as I up my exercise harder. The more you exercise the more calories i think your body needs. Maybe you need more protein in your diet as well for your muscles. keep trying, don't give up!:happy:
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    You should try to lessen your sodium content. The massive amount of sodium in processed foods and McDonalds is probably causing you to retain water constantly, which definitely isn't good for losing weight.

    Good luck!
  • ToNiBeE99
    ToNiBeE99 Posts: 33 Member
    @ stpkellogg: Thanks for the encouragement!! :) I'll also give that a try.
    @ abbi017: I was just thinking about my sodium intake. So, I'm gonna try and lower that. Thanks!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I looked at your diary just real quick and it seems like you are loading your calories into just 2 meals a day. It may be that your body will respond to more and smaller meals? No guarantee or anything but it's something to try :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    McDonalds and movie theater popcorn are a diet no no. Try more fresh fruit and veggies, less processed food. Do you use a HRM to get your exercise calories? You have some really high calorie burns, MFP is notorious for overestimating.
  • ToNiBeE99
    ToNiBeE99 Posts: 33 Member
    @ Lizziebeth1028: I don't have an HRM but would love to get one. Do you have any suggestions? My work out calories are figured out by my phone app NOOM.