How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Once a week. or at least I try to. I have a standing appointment every thursday morning before my shower.
  • Naughtybiscuit
    Naughtybiscuit Posts: 71 Member
    I'm an every morning weigher too - I know it's a bad habit but it makes me focus more I think. It feels like I'm doing something to acknowledge I'm on a diet :)
  • hah wellll...
    Every morning 1st thing
    Every morning before i leave the house
    Everyday when i get in from whatever i've been doing

    Every night before i go to sleep.

  • I weigh myself in clusters. Ie. I weigh myself one day, and maybe the following three days to see what i am averaging in that time frame. And then if i start to see physical change(every 2-3 weeks) i weigh myself in again. I'm more visual as opposed to the scale.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Pretty much once a week, morning, before breakfast. I don't have one of those that's electronic, so it's more of a guess, I definitely can't see little weight fluctuations, only about a pound or more.
  • AnitaMcKenna
    AnitaMcKenna Posts: 77 Member
    I'm also guilty of weighing myself most mornings, but do a 'weigh in' on a Monday, which has been a kick in the teeth a few times when I've gained a pound over Sunday night!!

    Am relieved to see lots of others check daily though :blushing:
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Every couple days, but I only log it once per week
  • I refuse to weigh myself more than once a week because I know the daily fluctuations would drive me batty. I AM however, planning on investing in a digital scale, because the one I have now is hard to read.
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    I check it almost every day, I don't obsess over it, I just want to monitor it. Then once a week is my official weigh in.
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    I have to admit I weigh myself every morning after I wake up...

    Yes, there are fluctuations but I'd only go all day thinking about it and end up doing at night after I've eaten all day and then seem a lot heavier lol.
  • cathyg18
    cathyg18 Posts: 150 Member
    On good days, once.
    On bad days twelve thousand, because obviously there is something wrong with the scale.

    LOL! Love this! ^^^^^

    I'm once week, Wednesdays. I don't have a scale (I would be on it a couple hundred times a day if I did own one) but I do use my wii fitplus. I found that is it is really accurate with the scale at the doctors office.
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    I use to weigh every day and even though I know in my head that weight fluctuates I was hindering me. I now weigh in only on Friday morning before my workout. On some weeks I will weigh on Monday if I know I had a bad weekend.
  • Once a week in the morning before I eat anything.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I know weighing yourself is an individual thing, I am just curious as to how often people weight themselves... I heard it is not good to weigh yourself daily as you go up and down... once a week?

    I don't own a scale so I weight myself every couple of weeks when I go visit my mom...

    I NOW weigh Myself maybe every 2 months. I do this because I realized and accepted that weight loss is secondary to changing My Lifestyle around food. I also accepted that there is NO wt loss if I don't focus on what I eat, if I get that right, wt loss and maintenance is a Natural RESULT (of GOOD Eating Habits). So My focus is totally on What I eat, how it is prepared and Serving Size. This way I keep it simple and focused; also, I only have ONE goal around wt loss and it is a Range where I want to maintain the rest of My Life. When I get there is up to My Body, as I focus on eating right, a moderate exercise routine, and a Full Life of activities I enjoy doing>>>LIVING.

    I have been where a scale dictated how I felt for a day or week... I could wake up feeling SUPER, and get on the scale and be 1 lb. over what I weighed the prior week, and ALL of My joy would go, for the whole day and week. And actually, it took My motivation and most times I would say the heck with it>>>THAT gave Me an EXCUSE to OVER EAT! NO MORE, NEVER AGAIN!

    HEALTHY means WAYYYY more than a number on a scale. Everyone has to come to their own conclusions. I'm a HAPPY Camper NOW...My Focus is on LIFESTYLE = Working on The Fruit of The Spirit, Physical Health, Career and Social Goals.
  • bgriffi3
    bgriffi3 Posts: 2 Member
    Every Morning, but only compare the Tuesday weigh-ins.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    i try at least once a week......if its a bad week i dont weigh haha
  • PamelaLavender
    PamelaLavender Posts: 63 Member
    I do every morning, but my weigh in day is Tuesday.
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and log it in my notes. For me it is helpful to see the ebbs and flows day to day and find it a lot less frustrating then once a week. I only "check-in" my weight on MFP once a week.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I weighed morning and evening when cut carbs and went gluten free just to see how much difference it made to fluctuating water weight and it only changed by 1 lb a day instead of 3-5 lbs.

    At minute I have two weigh in's, saturday and wednesday for different challenges, once I get to target weight I'll probably just check it hasn't gone up too much once a week.
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    I don't own a scale either.

    So I weigh when I get to one of the gyms with a scale. I probably weigh myself more than I should. but I am just oh so curious!! LOL
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