New life style, New friends, right?

No lie this is me just starting to change my life. I've gained so much weight in the past 3 years that I don’t like to look at myself in the mirror any more. I know that any results will not be instant and its harder to lose weight then it is to gain it but I'm tired of feeling like **** every time I step on the scale or wanting to cry because my freaking pants don’t fit and looking in my closet to see that its divided into "what fits and what doesn't fit".
This is me getting my life back and I want to meet people who have been or are where I am right now. This time it’s different, I’m here for me and my goals and it’s nice to be supported by people who have gone through what I’m about to do and know that I can do it too :)


  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    You can DEFINITELY do it, girl!

    No lie when you said it's easier to gain than lose and it's definitely hard work, but you got this! ;)
    Definitely add me if you'd like!! Always easier with support and motivation!
  • melissa4457
    melissa4457 Posts: 8 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I have gained 80 pounds in the past 2 years. through life's challenges, food became my best friend. my closet holds alot of clothes but only about 1/4 of them actually fit me. I can be a support if you want or someone to keep you accountable. my motto is " No one said it would be easy, they just said it would be worth it."
  • Thanks! I will definitely add you :)
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    I joined MFP to help me fit into the closet full of clothes I have that don't fit. I'd be happy to support and encourage you along your journey. All the best!
  • Welcome! You totally can do this! Feel free to add me as well, if you want! (:
    I have about 100 pounds to lose over all. So my journey will be a long one!
  • I will definitely add everyone... Its nice to know that there are others out in the world striving for the same goal :)