This is going to sound crazy, but....



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    This is bizarre to me. My mom tricked us into eating veggies (she would tell us little elves lived in the green and white trees [broccoli and cauliflower] and we had to eat them to find them). Of course we never found the elves, but we ate all the trees to make sure! All that really taught us is that Mom's weird, and sometimes lies. But we did discover we loved our vegetables.

    On the flip side, my 13 year old cousin will take a bite of veggies, and hold it in his mouth til he's ready to cry and gag because his mom won't let him just spit it out and he refuses to swallow. It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life.
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    I have the same issues. According to my parents I ate well as a child (fruits, vegetables, everything). Now, despite trying multiple times with many different foods, there are some things that I just don't like. Though I am doing better, it takes time. I can't eat fish, some vegetables, and some fruits. With fruits it is usually a texture thing (like I almost gag eating some) and other things it's taste (I find a lot of things are either too sweet or seem bitter to me). I just eat what I can and then take a multivitamin. I have known other people that can't eat foods because of texture. Other people say there are foods they can't eat because of a bad experience with the food (can't eat cetrain foods becasue they got really sick after eating something).

    I say just keep trying different things and if you know there are things you don't like for sure then don't eat them and see if you can get similar nutrition from something else.

    Also, even though you may not have liked something a year ago, try it again. As you age your taste buds change (you start tasting less, which is why most people as they age tend to add more salt to food). You might find that you now like something if you haven't had it in a while.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    I really don't understand you anti fruit and veggie people. These foods are so tasteful! Why do you torture yourselves by not enjoying them? I worked with a girl once who had never tried any fruit not a strawberry, bananna, mango. nothing! She said her parents never made her eat fruits and veggies so she doesn’t have a taste for them. What a shame!!!!!! There’s no way id ever want to try to survive on fish sticks and spaghetti
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    I add baby food sweet potatoes and carrots to spaghetti sauce since my daughter doesnt eat enough veg. You CANT tell the difference!
  • stupidthick5150
    hey you should try acupuncture or even hypnosis it sounds like a mental thing to me
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Sometimes you have to force yourself to eat healthy things you don't like, hate even. Eventually, you will develop a taste for them.

    I'm in my mid 40s and I'm finally starting to eat pulses. No, I don't yet like them, nor would I deliberately choose to eat them, maybe I never will, but at least they no longer make me gag.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I have never been a big fruit and veggie eater but I don't have a total dislike of these things. Anyway, if you put a couple of frozen bananas in a blender and blend, it blends up like soft serve banana ice cream so you feel like you are eating ice cream. Sometimes I add a little chocolate syrup to really make it like ice cream. I hide strawberries or peaches in smoothies made with milk. I freeze all of my fruits so when you mix with a cup of milk, it is like a strawberry milk shake etc. The fruit in Choboni Yogurt kind of disappears when you stir the yogurt so I can do fruits that way. I found a Whole Fruit Popsicle that is good but very fruity. On vegetables, I can handle string beans when I saw how low in calories they are and I like the sweet peas. Good Luck
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I don't eat any veg, other than potatoes in pretty much every form, and i eat very little fruit.

    I take my multivitamin+minerals and fish oils, keep within my calorie budget, exercise 6 times a week, and have never felt better! As for falling off..falling off what? I'm not on a diet. I could eat like i am forever!

    I wish people would stop telling people what they HAVE to eat.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I'm sorry, I have to say I doubt it's 90% a texture thing if you can't have juices. The wide variety of vegetables available to us indicate it is likely not a texture thing, either. Mashed cauliflower has the same texture as spaghetti sauce. The wide variety of vegetables availabl to us also lead me to believe it is not a taste issue, since not all vegetables taste the same. I don't know what to tell you, since it seems as though this is a mindset.

    (My brother was this way, until he was 20, and tried broccoli, and loved it. Now he eats so many vegetables it would choke a horse. He says now that he realizes it was absolutely a mind thing, and nothing else, no matter what he claimed for years.)

    (Edit to add: and you can be perfectly healthy without eating fish, fruit, or vegetables, so why force yourself?)
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    I can eat some raw vegetables like carrots, cauliflour, lettace most of the time... I have tried the spinach lasagna and i do believe thats more mental because i know i have eaten my aunts! Thats why i say its 90% texture cuz its so pathetic to see me try new things cuz ill be gagging up a storm.

    So you do like some vegetables.....And the spinach Lasagna is a mental thing because you know its made of veggies.....I would say its more than 50% mental not texture. If you like carrots and cauliflour and lettuce then eat more. Theres you a cheap generic salad. Add some dressing of your choice and try adding a new veggie to it now and then in small portions to try with it. Look up ways to eat these veggies with other foods cooked. Try adding a new veggie every now and then. I hate tomatoes - I think they taste like mushy dirt. I will, however, eat them if I am a guest at someones house and they have fixed them for lunch/dinner so that I am not rude. Do I like them? Heck no - can I tolerate them for the sake of manners? Yes. I just mix them with other food. This is called being an adult. I was also told as a child this was the proper way todo things. Now I love all kinds of things that I didnt like before..because out of politeness I ate it at someone elses house. Be polite to your veggies. And fruit juice has the texture of water so Im not really sure your adversity to it - aside from the fact that you KNOW its fruit luck.
  • kassandra81
    I personally don't know a fruit or vegetable I won't eat, but I can't stand ANY kind of seafood so I'm with you there.
    Jerry Seinfeld's wife wrote a book about putting healthy fruits and vegetables into food for kids. I know it's aimed at tricking kids into eating veggies, but maybe it would work for you too since it changes the textures of these foods when you add them to other stuff.

    Just an idea :) GL!
  • CindiBryce
    hey you should try acupuncture or even hypnosis it sounds like a mental thing to me
    What? Now how would that help?
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    Don't sweat the fruits and veggies. Focus on the healthy foods that you do like. Do you like potatoes, legumes, or whole grains? Potatoes are full of nutrients and have a good balance of protein and fat. One of my daughters didn't like any fruits or vegetables either. She is now 7 and will suck on a lemon and likes lemon-flavored things, but she won't eat one. She likes olives, which are technically a fruit. This past year, she has learned to like corn on the cob and of all things, artichokes. Guess what we eat every week. She likes salsa, so I buy her baked corn chips for dipping.

    Since you like spaghetti sauce, like my daughter, I would eat a lot of that, but seek out healthier brands or homemade. You don't need a lot of variety in your diet to be healthy. In fact, statistics indicate that a simpler diet aids weight loss. As opportunities, arise, try new things, but don't beat yourself up over what you don't like. Don't be miserable trying to do what everyone else tells you to do.
  • kathytexas
    Jessica Seinfeld (wife of Jerry) put out a cookbook called "Deceptively Delicious" about sneaking veggies into other foods (putting spinach into brownies for example). You might look into that book, but I admit I don't know much more about it.

    I can't stand seafood and don't eat it. I take fish oil pills. Not sure if that counts, but I hate the taste of seafood. Blech.

    Good luck!
