New to myfitnesspal

My weight loss journey start with me yo -yo dieting for years. In 2010 I decided to have gastric bypass surgery. I had my surgery in February 2010, and 1 week later I was readmitted in the hospital for a leak, abscess and pneumonia and fluid around my spleen. . I was in the hospital for 12 days. I had a stent put in for 4 weeks while the leak healed since they couldn't go back in because I was 1 week out. I was put on TPN for 1 month and only had liquids. I was out of work for 2 months instead of 4 weeks. While I was in the hospital and getting all the Ct scans and other things they found I had a large mass on my ovaries. Once discharged I was referred to my OB/GYN doctor who ordered a pelvic ultrasound which also showed the large mass and the radiologist thought it was cancerous. Mind you I found out these results the day before I was to return to work. I was referred to a GYN oncologist who scheduled me for yet another surgery. She reassured me and was confident that because of my age that this was probably benign. I had surgery on 6-14-2010 and they removed 1 ovary and 1 fallopian tube so I will still be able to have kids. YAY!!! The tumor was also benign. I was out of work again for 6 weeks, but through it all GOD has been on my side.I have been through a lot but thankful for all the events that happened I feel so good. I am down 155 pounds and counting looking great and feeling great. I am looking for new friends & more support. You can never have to much support.


  • deij69
    deij69 Posts: 2
    I love makes me feel not alone. I hope you enjoy it too!!
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    you've been through a lot. i lost a friend when she had her stomach stapled. she complained numerous times to her doctor. after awhile they just starting ignoring her. ....she had gaingreen (not spelled right) in her stomach...she died a few days later leaving a precous daughter. iam glad your doing well. i would love to be your friend! :smile:
  • jlikennedy3
    jlikennedy3 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome! God is amazing, isn't He? Sounds like you have been through a lot but you are on the road to victory! Welcome, I love all the support I read and hear people give on here. It is definitely one of the things that keep me going.
  • You can count on me when ever u need some motivation and support..mfp is amazing at both good luck! Oh and I add you :smile:
  • Wow! What a story you have. Congrats on your weightloss through it all! Your perseverance is amazing. Welcome! Feel free to add me.
  • Choclat_Pearl
    Choclat_Pearl Posts: 166 Member
    Wow! You've been through alot also, I see. Thank God for Jesus!

    All I can say is: Welcome - Welcome - Welcome ur going 2 love ur decision 2 b here; I've been here 55 days & I think MFP & the members are awesome.

    Very Supportive!
  • kittyzkid1
    kittyzkid1 Posts: 3 Member
    You are definitely an inspiration to many.....especially me. God kept you through all you've been through for a reason. Continue to live the life He intended you to live....people are watching :happy:
  • queenlashona
    queenlashona Posts: 44 Member
    Yes sis you are truly blessed. During all your twist and turns you remained FAITHFUL and that helped with your recovery. You have done wonderful with your eating and exercise so I know now that you are back on point you will reach your new goals. Your journey pushed me to get back on my program and lose all weight that I have gained. So welcome to MFP....Luv you..your big sis :happy: