busy young mommy with curves :) NEW

Hello All!
Im a busy mom (which moms arent busy!?!) and Im just looking to share this challenge with others. I have a 1year old son and he keeps me going- ALL THE TIME. When hes sleeping, im usually sleeping. Which...doesnt leave me a whole lot of time for myself. When I do have "me-time" and hubby watches him, I often push working out aside and join a friend at Happy Hour (drink,talk,eat) session. OOPS. I know THATS NOT helping :) I dont want to deprive myself of my fun though. I LOVE my body for all its done for me and how its nurtured my son but I miss having a LEAN body where my jeans dont have to be up so high. Dont get me wrong, I think curves are beautiful, and sexy but I dont want to have that stubborn belly pouch anymore!! PLEASE help me on this en devour! Im willing to try my ALL!


  • Kelseylu5
    Hello! I am so happy to hear I am not the only Busy mama! I have a 2 1/2 yr old and a 5 week old. was told this is the best site to get support and lose the weight! I hope you achieve all your goals! I just got cleared today to return to exercise and am so excited to feel like me again!
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    Welcome!!! I'm a busy young mama too! I have a three week old and am really trying to get myself back together!! I've found that having a moby wrap lets me get things done and have a happy child haha
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Good luck on your journey
    I have a 9 mos old 3 yr old and 10 yr old and work full time
  • vbeyer
    vbeyer Posts: 3
    Congrats on your new little one!
    And thanks for the support- I hope this is a bit easier with all the encouragement! All I can say is- just take your time- 5 weeks is not a long time for your body to heal. I pushed it too hard once the doctor told me I could start excersising lightly and my c-section opened up! It sounds bad and it was! So.... just take your time :) Good luck though! Stay in touch!
  • rachaelmae79
    rachaelmae79 Posts: 23 Member
    I just joined today too. I have a 22-month-old and a 6-month-old. I heard about this site from a friend and decided to check it out. I'm happy to see other mom's here in the same boat as me. I want to lose about 30lbs.