NEW to myfitnesspal

Hi All ~ My name is Kathy & I decided to join My fitness pal today, I wanted a place where I could track my food, calories, exercise regimen & so on. I reside in Virginia and am a stay-at-home mom & wife of 4 kids...5 if you include my husband :) I joined a Fitness Challenge at the YMCA approx 2-weeks ago near my home & to date have lost nearly 4lbs. Anyways today was weigh-in day & I'd be lying if I said I wasn't bummed out when I went and gained 1lb....I know, I know it's only A pound, but I need to stay on track, get motivated & reach my goal weight. I'm about 5'4" and currently at 169.something (LOL).....I'd really love to be around 150, to some of you that may still seem like a lot, BUT I'm short...well fun-sized....and I don't wanna be toothpick skinny, I basically want to be comfortable in my own skin & in my own clothes without feeling like the button on my jeans is SCREAMING!!

Anyways ~ There's my story in a nutshell!! Look forward to sharing this journey with each of you & getting to know you better!!


  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Hey girl! Hello from Kentucky!!! Keep up the good work and feel free to add me as your frend!!!
  • Oz2011
    Oz2011 Posts: 58
    Welcome!!, this place is a great support system!!!, good luck on your Journey, feel free to add!
  • Hey there, I have a sis who lives in Virginia Beach. Just so you know, it's not the number on the scale that matters, it's not how much you lift or anything else, it's how it looks on you. We are all different, that's what makes the world go round . I've been as high as 252 and as low as 131 and I'm 5 feet 7 inches. I never exercised a day in my life until just before my 30th birthday. I've been overweight/obese since I was a child, it runs in my family. I've battled with anorexia and bulemia. The only way to do it is through MF, it works. It's the first time in my life (i just turned 51) that I know this is for life and for good. I don't have to starve, over exercise or resort to other poor health habits. I am accountable with this website, it keeps me honest. If I lie I lie to myself. I lost 12 pounds the week before I joined and have lost 58 pounds since I have joined for a total of almost 70 pounds. I feel like I'm 25. You can do this with the support of this website and making yourself important and your goals important. Love is not about being a size 4, it's about being healthy and comfortable in your skin. I think I'm finally getting there. My weight does not define who I am, but I was ruly unhappy and uncomfortable. I would love to be your friend on this journey! It's a lifetime battle, but we can do it together, all of us can!
  • You are smart starting youn. This will teach your children to be healthy. I am proud of you! Keep up the determination. u can do it!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You sound like you have a great plan! Good luck! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • I just passed my 170 days of logging on MyFitnessPal and thought I'd take a more active role on the online community. I'm still plugging away at my goal, slowly but surely. I cannot believe how much weight I've been able to lose without drastically altering my diet. Who knew that portion control was really all it took?? I highly encourage anyone who is just starting out to keep it up. It's so worth it once you find yourself losing 10, 20, 30+ pounds!
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    welcome kathy:) everyone here is great. we all support each toher. please come back often
  • I agree. Your health is important. I will say how sad I was when one of my childrs friend died cause she purged. She looked like death warmed over and still thought she was fat. So we do need a healthy mind. I believe you do.Praise the Lord. Now you are on the right track. This is a mind thing. A life changing decission. One day at a time. For me One meal at a time. I have sever back problems that keeps me doing not much of anything, so dieting is my hope. I am trying to walk sloooooowly. better than nothing.
    You can do it!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Good Luck
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Welcome! MFP is a great community.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Hi Kathy! I'm Kathy from VA too!!! LOL :-) What part are you from? I live right outside Charlottesville. Definitely going to have to send you a friend request ;-)
  • Hi Kathy! I'm Kattie (Pronounced Katie) I'm pretty much in the same boat as you minus the kids....Well 2 2yr old puppies. :) You think they'd help, but they're lazy! LOL I did Weight Watchers this past year and it worked, but when they changed the program on me I failed horribly! I'd love to be your friend and share tips, recipes, ect...please add me if you want. My boss (who's a man) actually turned me to this site...I hope it works! :) I live in Chicago...since we're also sharing our locations. :) Have a good night!