Howdy All

I'm here and determined to make strides toward a new healthy me.
Nice to meet you all.

~ K~


  • Welcome, my first day here as well. I'm sure you'll do well. Regards, Jason
  • Hi...I just started a week ago and I really love will too!
  • vivie72
    vivie72 Posts: 127 Member
    welcome! This site is great! Lots of support if you need it! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Well, howdy, K. Your photo tells me you're going to have a lot of fun here! I'd guess you have fun just about everywhere. :-) Go for it! You'll do great, I'm sure. I'm 2 months in, 15 lbs. lighter, and having a ball. This site is awesome!
  • Thanks everyone. What a warm welcome. I've lived too much of my journey so far in circumstances that cut off life at the heart So I do try to make fun out of the dulldrums. Looking forward to the motivation from all of you who are already rocking at this and loving it. My track record isn't really great - but I hope to make this a brand new start and pump out some true grit this time.

    Thanks for the welcome. :-)
  • Well howdy there!
    my name is Stefanii, I started MFP a three days ago, and so far I love it!