


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    People say I suffer from depression. I am always tired and have lost alot of interest in the things I use to really enjoy doin. I am not as motivated as I once was and @ work I find myself worring about how the night is gonna go. Idk, what I am suffering from but I am tired of sleepin on my days off. I think I am stuck in a rutt!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Do any of you happen to suffer from depression? Normally on days off, when my mind has time to itself I tend to get blue. Nothing major. And granted, I haven't been remotely suicidal in years! I know I've come a LONG way ...I see a major difference in myself from 6 mo's ago on back. Still. There are days. And today is one. I called in sick from work. Just want to cry and hide and sleep. The idea of facing patients and smiling seems impossible. I get annoyed at the just snap out of it and just do it attitudes. I would if I could...and on many a days, I do. My fiance would ask if I took my meds, and yes, I have. Guess I'm feeling a bit more down on myself because my depression hasn't been even a wee bit debilitating for some time.

    If your taking your meds like you are prescribed, then maybe it is time for new meds and also blood work to get your Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D checked along with a Thyroid panel.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    Just wondering how we all are today
    as I am on long term sick at the moment I have had more time than I like to think about things
    I cant tell you how glad I am its the weekend so DH is home (well he will be in about an hour) it means I have human company - dont get me wrong I love the dogs to bits but its hard to hold a conversation with them :):)

    today I KNOW I am low - not at the bottom of the well stage but still a dark day
    I am off out later which will help so much - I dont care if its cold but hoping the sun will shine a bit
    I am going to write myself a list of tasks (I will include my exercise) that I want to complete next week and hope that will help me complete them and I will then have some sense of achievement and worth

    anyone got any help yourself plans for the coming week
  • knetterk
    knetterk Posts: 107
    You are not alone!! Let's all be friends and support each other!! I am sooo bad with taking my anti-depression meds. Whether I don't think they are working or just not strong enough does and I give up. I have no medical ins and just got moved to part-time work, so I have been feeling very down lately... MFP does keep me on track with my other battle though: FOOD. lol. We can beat this.
  • ju33
    ju33 Posts: 16 Member

    I suffer with depression and anxiety.

    Would be nice to have some pals on here the same.

    We can all help each other.

    Please add me xx
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Bump - really interesting thread.
  • suja1983
    suja1983 Posts: 33 Member

    I suffer from depression and anxiety too. Been on meds since december 2010.

    Some days I'm fine and other days I want to hide!!

    Add me.

  • zwrightsell
    zwrightsell Posts: 12 Member
    I understand where you are coming from sweetie. You just have to take it one day at a time. I have found for me that when I get depressed, it's a clue that I need to take a little bit more time for myself... get my hair done, nails, a massage. Use it as time to make yourself feel good when you don't. Buy yourself some flowers.. it works for me. good luck. z
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    I have been depressed for years and on many different meds. Like you today is a BAD day. Sometimes I just give in and write it off with resolve to pick up tomorrow and it usually works. Getting outside and doing any exercise really helps. Take a warm bath. Call a friend - writing on MFP was a great idea as this has always helped me. You are not alone. As someone wrote most of us go through life and no one would know that we struggle as we do. Add me as a friend. Keep writing on MFP and believe that you can get through the depression and the weight loss.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I suffer from anxiety and depression as well. Since graduating college and entering the 'real world' both have gotten much worse. I was previously on antidepressants, sleep aids, and I can't even remember what else. It got so bad that I moved halfway across the country to try to get my life under control. Needless to say, the depression and anxiety followed me though it did improve for a short time. I am no longer on meds as my new doctor is pressing me to try other ways of coping. That's part of the reason I am here. She recommended exercise and cutting down on caffeine. I work at a coffee shop so that's been difficult but I'm slowly getting there with both. My main type of exercise is simple walking which I hope will help with the depression as well by forcing me to get out of bed when every step is a struggle. I have good days and bad days. It seems more bad than good.

    Does anyone have any experiences with using exercise to help depression? I don't want to be on several pills a day but in a way life was easier to deal with then. I would love some friends on MFP who are in a similar situation. Add me please.
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    I use both meds and exercise to help with the depression. The meds alone don't do it and neither does the exercise by itself. I find that when I really build up a sweat and exercise hard it helps with the attitude. Also, keeping a journel and writing down five positive things about the day has also helped. Just know that you are not alone - add me as a friend if that will help. :flowerforyou:
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    Have you sought professional help? A counselor (A good one) can help you to cope with the Depression daily.. It affects about 1 out of 5 people so its common. If you are on medication- its most effective when working in conjunction with a therapist to sort out the issues. As medication is a pseudo supplement of hormones that our bodies already produce due to a deficiency, i.e. Serotonin, etc. I wish you the best of luck and much happiness.
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    I suffer from anxiety and depression as well. Since graduating college and entering the 'real world' both have gotten much worse. I was previously on antidepressants, sleep aids, and I can't even remember what else. It got so bad that I moved halfway across the country to try to get my life under control. Needless to say, the depression and anxiety followed me though it did improve for a short time. I am no longer on meds as my new doctor is pressing me to try other ways of coping. That's part of the reason I am here. She recommended exercise and cutting down on caffeine. I work at a coffee shop so that's been difficult but I'm slowly getting there with both. My main type of exercise is simple walking which I hope will help with the depression as well by forcing me to get out of bed when every step is a struggle. I have good days and bad days. It seems more bad than good.

    Does anyone have any experiences with using exercise to help depression? I don't want to be on several pills a day but in a way life was easier to deal with then. I would love some friends on MFP who are in a similar situation. Add me please.

    Not that today's research can't prove anything, lol, but a significant amount of research has proven that excercise and clean healthy eating boosts the production of 'feel good' hormones and cause an increase in self-esteem and quality of life in majority of cases... I can send you a link to read more about it if you would like.. I have it stored in my Favorites somewhere! LOL...