Question about the site and the HRM

First of all I have been gone for A LONG TIME (7months or so) I have mini goals set on my page that are posted on the bottom. How do I change them I can't remember. They are in green I think. They are always at the bottom of someones posts if they have anything written.

2nd I have a Polar FT7. Is it water proof for the pool? I can't find my instructions anywhere.



Yup, noticed when I posted this that they numbers are on the bottom and in green. as you can see they are from 2010 and they are WRONG and OLD. Please help me to change these


  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    It is in your signature, the link for which you will find just above where you post or reply to a topic :)
    If you don't get an answer on the FT7 I ordered one and should have it in a week so I can let you know then :)
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    You can wear it in the pool just fine, just don't press any buttons whist in the water :)
  • Swoopette
    Swoopette Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you to both of you!!!!