Losin' the Eggstra by Easter 03.27.09

:drinker: It's Fabulous Friday!!! :drinker:

It's a great day...I'm in a great mood, had a great workout yesterday and life is just...GREAT!!!

I hope it is a great day and weekend for each of you!!! :drinker:

:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:


  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :drinker: It's Fabulous Friday!!! :drinker:

    It's a great day...I'm in a great mood, had a great workout yesterday and life is just...GREAT!!!

    I hope it is a great day and weekend for each of you!!! :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • indianagranny
    Good morning Everyone!!

    IT IS A FABULOUS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Already put in 50 minutes of aerobics and 5 minutes - oops- of weight lifting at home. Hope everyone has a good day and weekend.
  • megancolleen
    I hate to admit yesterday was another horrible day for me.. With all these people cooking my family food it is so hard for me.. I also had a major doctors appointment and got some bad news therefore I needed comfort food and went over 3000 calories yesterday. Hopefully today is a better day! I really just need to get down to business and can't let the things happening in my life effect my eating! I know it is going to be a hard habit to kick but I really think I can do it!

    keep up the good work everyone!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I had a good day and a great workout. I got on my elliptical after several months off of it. I feel good today and will hit the elliptical again tonight.:drinker: Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • montanamomma
    I am so excited I lost 5 pounds in the last week. I was stuck but wanted to meet my easter goal of 8 pounds. I decided to change my attitude and be like the little engine that could. I think I can I think I can and I did. :love: :bigsmile: :tongue:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    megan-brush off, stand up - get back to work. One day is just ONE day in the rest of your life!

    T-love your positivity - needed that this morning. My son is dealing with a bully at school and I am heartbroken over it. The funny thing is the bully is way smaller than my son and we've just been telling him to turn his cheek - be the bigger "man"

    way to get a jump start Granny

    MNMomma-woo whoo what are you doing for 5 pounds in a week???:love:

    I worked out last night - 35 minutes on elliptical, 20 on treadmill, 3 on the climber machine - that sucker is brutal....

    I also did crunches on med ball - so much less painful on tailbone than on the floor-thanks Sanifrey.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    good morning!--and more importantly- HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

    yesterday i was way under on my cals and did 30 mins of kickboxing. i used to LOVE kickboxing, but haven't been in the habit for a few months now- it felt great to get back on it and work hard. so great for the mind and body!! can we say stress relief?

    i wont be able to work out again till sunday- i am going downstate w/ my boyfriend to visit some friends. cross your fingers for me to make good choices for the next few days- i'm sure we'll be eating out! :laugh:

    way to go everyone on working hard! keep at it this weekend- my weigh in is monday so i'll see how cycling calories has been working for the first week. ahh!
  • sara1027
    sara1027 Posts: 59
    I had a good day yesterday and today already started off good! I got an hour of cardio in at the gym and am taking my kids swimming tonight. Congrats everyone on there success. WTG montanamomma I knew you could do!!
    Well I hope every one has a good weekend. Weekends are always tough for me. I always seem to over eat. If anyone has any suggestions on how to break this habit it would be greatly appriciated.
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for such a great greeting this morning Theresa!! Happy Friday to you too! :bigsmile:

    Megan - No worries dear...bad news makes us all do silly things. Just take it one step at a time, one breath at a time, and one MEAL at a time. You can do it :drinker: and we all have our moments of indiscretion! :laugh: Pick yourself up, we're here for support, and know that we're proud of you!

    Granny - Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:

    Momma - WTG! That's awesome...whatever you're doing, keep it up because it's working! :bigsmile:

    Smadag - WOOHOO!! Each day will get easier, half the battle is just starting. So good for you! :drinker:

    Shannahrose - Have a great weekend and keep up your great work. Definitely let us know how cycling the calories went. I've been reading up on it but am not sure if it's right for me. :embarassed:

    Chrissy - Yay for a great night of workouts. I never made it last night as I spent the whole evening cleaning my house before family gets into town late tonight. Cleaning counts as 'exercise' right? :noway: :laugh: (oh yeah, I broke my tailbone in HS and it still gives me trouble sometimes, yay for the exercise balls!)

    Well ladies, time to celebrate a little bit :drinker: - finally got into the 230s!! Weighed in this morning at 239.4! WOOHOO I'm SO excited. And I put on some jeans I haven't worn in about a year and a half (maybe more) and not only do they fit...they're loose! It's such a great feeling - even tho it wasn't even a whole pound loss this week, just to know I'm in the 230s and the scale keeps going down...that's what matters! I take new measurements next week - so we'll see where I'm at! Thanks again for all the support! You guys are WONDERFUL! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    good morning :flowerforyou:

    just got back from the gym .... 30 on the eliptical and 35 with the weights... not bad...
    went to the grocery store and i bought the kids chips for snack today after school (i never buy chips)
    those stupid chips have been calling my name from the kitchen since i brought them home...
    i will not eat them though.... i bought myself stuff to make a salad for lunch and some fiberone bars the chocolate ones yum!!

    glad to see your all doing ok... and if we have a bad day we get right back on track ... we can do this!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    GOOD JOB ladies! I love the energy from this post today!!

    Megan - I'm sorry to hear about the bad Dr. appt. hun. I've had a few of those bad eating days recently. Just forgive yourself and get right back in to it. It'll be okay. :)

    I had to cancel my 6 week post partum appt b/c I didn't have a car to get there. (dh had to drive it) I did have an appt at the health dept the other day though and I am still anemic, which I guess explains all the dizziness I have. I hemorrhaged after having my baby last month, my hemoglobin was a 7 when I left the hospital and now it is a 9. Can this all have an affect on losing weight? I am still stuck at 190lbs!
  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    I went over my calories yesterday, but then decided I needed to work out so I was then ok. I worked out for 75 minutes and it felt SOO good. Even pushed my self with everything I was doing. I have a lot of stress and different things happening in my life right now, and i'm trying hard not to turn to food, but to work out! Good job everyone! You guys are doing AMAZING!

    Opera....230's WHOO HOO! :smile:
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Opera....230's WHOO HOO! :smile:

    Aww, thank you thank you! Couldn't be doing this without you guys! (Rather - I WOULDN'T be doing it. :laugh:)

    Hope you have a great STRESS-FREE Weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • JamieArmbruster
    JamieArmbruster Posts: 48 Member
    Yesterday was a not so great day, I went a little over on my calories. Oh well, it wasn't too much, and I ran around at work all night! I am going to go try out my new running shoes this afternoon! Have a wonderful weekend!!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I'm pretty happy today, too. I have switched my weigh in day to Fridays and I am so pleased. I have lost another pound since Tuesday. I have been averaging 2lbs a week. I have even had a cheat meal each week and it's still working. I am so looking forward getting to the half way mark to my goal. and If things keep going as well as they are I will make it to my goal before the end of April, then I'll make new goal and go for a bit more. I wish you all a great weekend :smile: