Does anyone do spinning classes?

puppywalker Posts: 109 Member
edited October 3 in Fitness and Exercise
I would like to try but I'm afraid it would be way too hard and I'd have to walk out after a few minutes. How "in shape" do you have to be to try spinning?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts/suggestions! :smile:


  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
  • I was always fearful of spinning as well. When I started tri training, that's what part of our brick workout is. We do a spin class followed by a running session. I'm by no mean "in shape". I'm currently in the 230's but I love spinning. You get out of it what you put in it. No one but you knows how high you set your resistance. I would definitely suggest trying it... you might surprise yourself! I did.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    DO IT!!!!! The besttttt workout EVER! It's scary the first couple of times but then you'll be addicted.
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    I tried it one time and it hurt my butt!
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    Really you don't have to be that in shape and you should try it. It's really fun.

    1) You should be able to go at your own pace during the up / downs. Get out of your seat part.
    2) padded shorts make a difference - if you really like it spend the money.
    3) Bring more water than you think you will need

    It's super fun and Really intense
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    OMG I love LOVE spinning! LOVE! My instructor is awesome and keeps us motivated and it keeps me going. The best part is that you can go at your own pace (speed + resistance).

    The first time I did it, I wasn’t in very good shape, and I wanted to die. I just slowed it down and went at my own pace and powered through it.

    But it’s fun and burns a TON of calories. Make sure you have the instructor show you how to properly set up your bike so you don’t injure your knees.

    I say go for it!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    my old gym had was awesome. I was fairly out of shape when I went and I was okay. you can adjust the settings if too tired.

    I wouldn't want to do it more than twice a week, as I found it a little boring...but it's a fantastic workout! and great cross training!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Spinning is a fantastic workout and anyone can do it because it is totally self paced. You control the intensity by adjusting your cadence (the number of pedal strokes per minute) and resistance. The higher the cadence and resistance, the more intense it is. Conversely, you can make it easier by reducing either or both of these.

    You may want a seat cushion your first few times, but I found that I stopped using it after about 2 months because my butt got used to the seats. Also, good stiff shoes like cross trainers are better for spin than running shoes.

    Just try it and keep in mind that you can make it your own workout at any time. Probably about the first 4 months I did spin I couldn't keep up. But, I kept going and eventually I got to the point where I LOVE IT!
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I do RPM which is kind of similar.

    The thing that's good about it is that it's so variable to fitness. If you don't want to stand or sprint etc on a certain bit, then don't! No-one is going to come over and shout at you! But as you get fitter you can do more to keep up and you can add resistance.... really, it can be as hard as you want it to be.

    As has already been mentioned, however, it's DEFINITELY a good idea to arrive a few minutes early so you can tell the instructor you're new. That way, not only do they know they may need to explain some things a bit more but they can also set up your saddle height etc for you. This is vitally important and can make the difference between a hard, fun workout and hurting your knees.

    You may also want to get a bike near the back. That way, when everyone else is sprinting or standing and you are just pedalling slowly trying to catch your breath, you don't feel as if everyone is looking at you.

    It's a great workout, though. As a guy I never thought I'd get into "exercise classes" but RPM is fantastic fun and it really burns the calories and improves your fitness very quickly.
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    I've been scared to take the spinning class at my gym, but I finally went tonight. It was awesome! I'm pretty 'saddle-sore' and I'm sure I'll be hurting tomorrow, but it was great. Just make sure you bring a towel and plenty of water. Let the instructor know your new, and focus on getting the correct form and movements more than 'keeping up', your first time. If you have sloppy form, it won't be pleasant at all.
  • I tried it once and my butt was sore for a week, I like the work out butt the seat is so uncomfortable
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    My favorite workout ever!!!!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    <3 Spinning!!! Really the best cardio exercise ever and I sweat like never before!

    I've been doing it since the start of August and it's seriously transformed my body in a way that nothing else has. I recommend it wholeheartedly!
  • howie4four
    howie4four Posts: 54 Member
    Spinning , although led by an instructor is good for all fitness levels. No one knows what you set you gears at and most instructors tell you to work as hard as you can following their lead.....they'll tell you to start out in a comfortable gear...then have you bump it up a couple....stand up and bump up the gears a couple more...sit down and gear down....It is a tough workout, but you get to decide how hard to push it......I Love Spinning classes.....
  • Leanne926
    Leanne926 Posts: 158 Member
    You should definitely try it. I used to teach a spinning class so I understand how it can seem "scary" but a good instructor will get you set up properly and advise you to GO AT YOUR OWN PACE. Follow their lead but if it gets to be too much for you then sit or decrease your intensity.... Just keep pedaling. Yes your butt will be sore for the first week or 2 but that's it so if you enjoy the class stick with it.
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    i have been in a pin class for a year now....and it is one of my FAVORITE gym classes!!
    The first couple of times is hard....but if you have a good instructor they should keep you on track at the
    beginning at YOUR level......DO NOT GIVE UP... try it for at least a couple of times.... and I guarantee you will LUUUV it
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    I'm 260 lbs and I do it, I can usually make it 45 mins but now could probley make it the whole hour now, but if you cant no one is going to say anythign you do what you can do!!!!

    Its fun, but your butt will be very very very sore the first time everytime you go it gets much better!!

    Just try it. you will never know till you try!
  • kgore4
    kgore4 Posts: 1 Member
    You can go at your own pace and your own resistance. A lot of gyms offer beginner classes, and I recommend either taking a beginner's class or arriving at the class early enough to have the instructor help you set up your bike and explain the three positions (1 is sitting with your hands in a certain position, 2 is standing and lightly touching the handlebars, and 3 is out of the saddle with your grip on the end of the bars -- my favorite!). You need a specific posture on the bike, and the seat settings really do matter.

    The seats are uncomfortable -- some gyms offer gel seats. If you really love it, I recommend both padded shorts and bike shoes. The toe cage is okay, but the circular motion of spinning will be MUCH more comfortable if you can clip in. You'll also get more power with the shoes.

    If you aren't used to the circular motion, the first few minutes will probably be pretty tough. Your muscles will adjust pretty quickly, though, and they'll stop hurting a few minutes into the class. My only other suggestion is to sit if your instructor has you out of the seat for a few counts, back down, back up (rinse, repeat). That really spikes my heart rate.

    It can be scary, but Spin is one of the exercises that makes me feel powerful. Dim lighting, loud music, and getting low on the bike makes me feel like I can do anything
  • spinning is like an addiction!!
    once you get used to it, you can't help it!

    i've read many different answers to your concern over your physical shape... i think you do have to be slightly trained. i mean, you should not be trained for a marathon or something that hard, but you should not take spinning classes if you've done nothing in the past year...

    however... i think that spinning is the best train ever: you are so tired after the spinning class but at the same time you are frenzy and so proud of yourself.
    music and instructors are everything, so it should take you some time before you've found the real optimal combination between these 2 elements.

    if you get used to spinning, i'd strongly suggest you to but a cardiofrequencemeter (is that right?), so that you can control your heart pace (you should not sistematically have a pace above your 80%-85% maximum threshold), as the instructor would tell you!

    what else to say.... try it and enjoy it!!!!!!
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Go for it! Its a great calorie burner and a lot of fun. Just be sure to go to the class a few minutes earlier and let the instructor know you are new and have them show you how to properly set up the bike.

    I started spinning a year ago and was out of shape and could not keep up with the class at all. I was determined and kept at it. Now I am completely addicted and my instructor uses me as an example for newbies because I have come so far and become a very strong spinner. I spin about 4x a week. The great thing is you can adjust your speed and tension and go at your own pace. Your butt will hurt the first few times but you will get used to the seat quickly if you keep at it. Good luck!
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