Lonely fat mummy



  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Echoing what has already been said, you do not said pathetic. Hell, I didn't even have my daughter yet and moved out of state and felt alone...I'd cry all the time " I wanna go HOME...I want my MOM"

    I haven't been on this site long and I was on another one and there are now people that I've made friends with and plan on visiting as soon as the funds are in order. Its a great place for support and knowledge.

    Take care and congratulations on the babies. :smile:
  • reba1961
    reba1961 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started on here maybe 2 weeks ago. But, this week is my first real week at taking it seriously and having fun with it. I have been reading the forums, and blogs from others and it is so inspiring to me. With a little help from friends on here you will succeed, take small steps until you are comfortable with the surroundings. Learn also to be comfortable in your own skin. You would be so surprised at how much that changes your attitude about yourself and it does build up confidence. Good luck and I am here anytime you need to talk. :drinker:
  • omgzstef
    omgzstef Posts: 157
    DON'T BE SCARED! Look at this experience with a new light and a new you. Take it by storm, mama! If you need support, don't hesitate to add me as a friend :) Good luck!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Hi I am new and scared! I live in France but am English, have no friends here and two little ones, 3yrs and 5months. Have put on lots of weight with my pregnancies and now really hating myself! So afraid to fail again but have no support network here just surrounded by thin,beautiful, unfriendly French women! I am at home all day with the baby who I am breast feeding so feel very lonely. Really hope I can motivate myself to get out of this house, I used to swim to lose weight before but I can't bring myself to put on a swimming costume. Anyway pretty pethetic really, hope this will help.

    Who needs real friends when you can have virtual ones hey? LOL!!

    Do you speak French hun?

    I suggest with weightloss you take the 'little by little' approach - Rome wasn't built in a day as they say.

    Sorry that you feel so lonely but hopefully getting fit and healthy can be your new 'thing'.

    if you do not feel good in your swim suit why not make that one of your goals??

  • Elmaunie
    Elmaunie Posts: 78 Member
    Sent you a friend request :smile: I'm not always great at keeping up to date but I'm good for a natter :wink:

    I was a single mum for the majority of my boys' childhoods so I know it can be tough but you'll do it!! And breastfeeding helps lose loads of weight :flowerforyou:
  • sharont81
    sharont81 Posts: 24 Member
    I too am new to this and found the people on here to be inviting and willing to help out when you ask. Welcome!
  • mstrecie
    mstrecie Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new on here too, but welcome aboard..:happy:
  • Bnutz
    Bnutz Posts: 8
    Hi there, I wanted to say not to feel negative about yourself. We are all beautiful in one way or another, It's not about looks all the time. But I deff know what you are feeling. Main key is to never give up and always strive for what you want. Good luck and I'm here for anything you may need.
  • MomMel65
    MomMel65 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Mama - Oh, have I ever been in your shoes! I was pregnant when I married, and delivered 3 months after my wedding. Was instantly a stay-at-home mom (previously worked 40/hr/week), depressed, and felt all alone! My hubby was a raging alcoholic to top it all off (different story, won't detail it here - LOL!). I put on mega poundage these past 10 years, but now that I have a 12 year old son and 10 year old daughter, I've finally figured out that it's time to put ME FIRST. But interestingly enough, by putting ME first, everyone else in the house is following suit! I live with my hubby, my 2 kids, and recently a sister moved in my house, and together, in one week we have cumulatively lost 22 pounds using this website. It is just amazing.... you just need to be firm, count every calorie, watch your food labels, input your recipes and portion them accordingly, exercise, and you'll be good to go! Take it from me, whose only exercise used to be walking from the living room couch to the kitchen, that it can be done! Throw your whole mind into yourSELF. Because if it benefits you, it will benefit your children. I'm down 18 lb. since last month, but first found this website just last week, and lost 3 lb. this last week. Feel free to put me as your friend, I'd love to email you personally and we can keep each other inspired! It's so very hard to be a mom, feel alone, and then feel good enough about yourself to do things FOR yourself... I've been there. You're definitely on the right track, don't let anyone derail you!! Keep on keeping on!!
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