Hypothyroidism, Anyone?

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) early in my pregnancy, and I started noticing the effects at about 6 months pregnant. Now that I'm not pregnant anymore, I really want to get this extra weight off but I am finding it more difficult versus before I was diagnosed. I know this is something that is going to take extra effort & time and that will stick with me for the rest of my life (*sigh*), but is there anyone who has had successful weight loss with this disease? I am currently taking 50 mcg of levothyroxine and I never miss a dose! If anyone has any help they'd like to offer... and also, if you suffer with hypothyroidism as well, feel free to post/add me! We can all do this :)


SW: 186 (heaviest weight/after baby)
CW: 176 (10/7/11)
GW1: 165 by 12/1
GW2: Get into the 150s by 1/1/12
GW: 140 by my 21st b-day (5/30/12)
UGW: 135 by Summer 2012!


  • hairjunkie
    hairjunkie Posts: 74 Member
    I have the same thing and am taking the same medication. I've noticed that since taking it since January, my weight has gone up almost 20 pounds. I actually went to the doctor the other day to ask him about it, and he said it's highly unlikely that the meds or thyroid we're making me gain weight- which doesn't make sense seeing as it has everything to do with your metabolism. I'd love to hear other peoples answers as well, as I am highly confused!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I have it as well, I take 62mcg of Levothyroxine.

    With the Levo it controls your thyroid like it was working normally, so if your taking it faithfully you should have no problems losing weight if your following a healthy lifestyle and exercising to lose the weight.
    NRBLANCHARD27 Posts: 11 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. I have lost 25 pounds so far but it is slow going. It is possible!! I have a co-worker who also has it who has lost 60 pounds!! :) Keep on working the weight will come off!
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    Love her or hate her, Jillian Michaels is a prime example that it IS possible to be healthy and strong with Hypo. I have Hashimotos, which is a form of hypothyroidism, so I get it. I like to look at Jillian's before and after. It gives me hope!

  • darsh11
    darsh11 Posts: 98
    I have hypothyroidism as well. I take Levothyoxine to regulate it. I have lost 57 lbs in the time it takes most people to lose 100+. It is just a slower process. I average about .5lb a week. I am also insulin resistant so I have a double dose of stuff to deal with. What has been working for me is weight watchers. I also saw a dietician and she restricted my carb intake and the weight is coming off a little faster now. I do try to exercise 5-6 times a week.
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    I have also been diagnosed with this Hypothyroidism about 3 years ago and recently I have found that it is relatively easy to lose 55 lbs so far. I am also taking 50 mcg of levothyroxine and have been for the last 3 years as well. I really don't have any other advice except for being VERY truthful to yourself and FOLLOW a plan (try not to slip up).

    This is however the first time I have ever changed my eating habits AND joined a gym. My motto is that "If I pay for the gym membership, I WILL USE IT" and I also want to get more than my money's worth so I go often enough to feel like I get more from them than they take from me.

    You can lose while having this hypothyroidism, I have heard some people say it makes it harder but I have not had a problem so far.
  • karalmeier
    Wow! Thank you all so much... Yesterday marked week 2 of my new diet/exercise routine. And I have lost about 5 pounds so far! Being hypo, I do have those carbohydrate cravings quite often. But I know I need to avoid them!! I will continue to do what I'm doing and hope that I can change my body and my lifestyle! I've been doing Jillian's (whom I LOVE) 30 Day Shred, as well as working out at the gym for at least a half our EVERY day. I can't wait to see results :D
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    Hi there
    Firstly dont worry. I have been hypothyroid for at least 20 years. My weight fluctuates off and on all the time, but ONLY because of my yo yo dieting/ overeating (or rather eating only rubbish). My weight has yo-yo'd from 11st 4lbs to 9st. I'm currently 10st 1lb. I am currenty on 100mcg Thyroxine per day. I started off on 50mcg and gradually went up and up in dosage (according to my blood results) until I was on 150mcg. About a year ago after another blood test I went down to 100mcg a day. Everything is fine. No weight gain (at least not because of the thyroid problem anyway).
    Make sure you have REGULAR blood tests to establish that you're on the right dose. Sometimes (especially after pregnancy) your thyroid may start producing the correct amount of (whatever the medical name is) and you may not need to take thyroid tablets anymore. (This happened with my cousin).
    As long as you feel healthy and more importantly EAT healthily you should be okay. If you do start to put on excess weight or feel excessively tired go to your Doctor - if could be you need another blood test to be sure you're on the right dosage.

    Good Luck.
  • hannata86
    If you find you are still having the symptoms of it, and really struggling to lose, it may be the drugs arent of the correct dose? Have you had a recent TFT and/or checkup?

    If the condition is uncontrolled you will definitely struggle, but if you are medicating with the correct dose it shouldn't cause any issues with weight loss :)

  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    If you find you are still having the symptoms of it, and really struggling to lose, it may be the drugs arent of the correct dose? Have you had a recent TFT and/or checkup?

    If the condition is uncontrolled you will definitely struggle, but if you are medicating with the correct dose it shouldn't cause any issues with weight loss :)


    I agree entirely.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    I, too, have hypothyroidism, along with PCOS. I take 25mcg Levo one day, then split the pill for the next two days, so my severity is pretty low. I take1,000mg of Metformin for PCOS. Metabolic issues, insulin resistance... all of it makes it tough, but it IS do-able. I think my weight might be coming off more slowly, now that I'm closer to goal. I seem to plateau more frequently, which is SO frustrating. I just keep plugging along. I follow NO dietary restrictions. I enjoy EVERYTHING in moderation. I workout 4-6 days a week.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I was born with mine not working been on thyroxine since 23 months old (now 42).

    I wasn't always overweight though.. it wasn't until I started having mobility problems in my early 30's and a new doctor started messing with my meds and lowered them.. i went up to 16st.. I got back down to 11st 7 over several years as my neurological condition ran its course... last year put a stone back on... just got back down to 11st 7.. taken 5 months.

    I was about 9 to 9 and half stone at my healthiest, so still have a way to go.. I've set goal at 10st for now as I'm much older and I'm sure the hormones will also affect how much I can lose now.

    I'm on 300mcg daily but still its taking a while to shift the weight, but maybe cos my physical activity is extremely limited so I tried to eat as little as possible to compensate for that and lose. It's very frustrating.. I've heard of people taking thyroxine who dont have under active thyroid's.. to lose weight... and even on the highest dose they can give me I'm still struggling!!
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    This was good to read. I was diagnosed a few years ago. I didn't gain weight, I was just really really cold all of the time (sweatshirt and leather jacket in 90 degrees was the norm). They started me off on 50mcg of Levo but upped it to 100 about 9mos later when my tests came back abnormal again. Been normal ever since then.

    I read or hear people talk so often about being overweight or unable to lose any weight and blaming it all on their thyroid and in the back of my mind I'm sure that keeping fit will help, but sometimes I get the irrational fear of "oh my god I'm a ticking time bomb and it is only a matter of time before I baloon up and will never be able to lose the weight."

    So it is just good to hear of people who don't have that issue :p
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    I've heard of people taking thyroxine who dont have under active thyroid's.. to lose weight... and even on the highest dose they can give me I'm still struggling!!

    I hope this doesnt give any peeps out there the wrong idea. This is a crazy and extremely dangerous thing to do. It could lead to heart palpations and eventually a heart attack. Do not do this.
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    I have it too. I am on 100 and I am not having any problems loosing once I finally found this site and started eating healthy. You can friend me if you like. I live near Idaho Falls!
  • cpldjski
    cpldjski Posts: 64 Member
    I also suffer from thyroid troubles.I have lost 62 pounds in 10 months, so it is possible. My doctor suggested a low carb diet for me as well. It isn't easy, I love carbs! My doctor also explained that some people need the real Synthroid while others are fine using generics. I am one that needs the real stuff. Good luck and don't get discouraged.
  • karalmeier
    I am going to schedule an appointment with my doctor! Last time I had blood work done for my levels, was when I was about 6/7 months pregnant, and they said that my levels were normal (with the 50 mcg levo). But I didn't know how often I should visit the doctor... guess it's coming up to that time! Thank you all again for your responses :)
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    I'm glad you posted this as I also was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism after my first pregnancy. I initially had lost almost all my baby weight and then re-gained it immediately. I was so tired and drained (even more so than being a new, first time mommy to a colicy baby) and it was determined that I had hypothyroidism with a goiter on my thyroid. I have continued to maintain my meds at 100mcg every day and 2 doses 1x per week. Lucikly my goiter is maintaining it's small size and does not need to be biopsied at this time. All that being said, I have often complained to my Dr. about my inability to lose weight. She tells me that since my meds are regulated as they should be the thyroid "issue" is not effecting it. She did put me on Metformin, which she said may aide in some weight loss; however, I had bad side effects to it, even on the extended release. I don't want to blame my hypothyroidism, but I just think it has made it much more challenging. Also, I am always much more tired and it can be soooo hard to motivate myself. BUT when I am working out everyday and feeling great I notice I have a lot of energy. I just can't stop! Basically, I never let myself sit down. I go from one task to the other each and every day! I do not even watch TV other than my workout videos! My fitness pal is really helping keep my food in check and I love the accountability this requires!
    Also, I am going to look up more info on Jillian...I had no idea she has hypothyroidism! What a motivator to us all! =)

    Oh, & I am required to go to my Dr. every 6 months for bloodwork and an ultrasound every year (due to the goiter). I see an actual endocrinologist.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member