10lbs in 10 days!!! YAY!

Before you start to tell me Im killing myself...let me stop you!

I am doing the reboot your life program. You can find it at jointhereboot.com. I am taking in the proper amount of calories and probably have more nutrition than Ive had in my whole entire life! Based on my research I am still getting protein as well. My energy is so far up its amazing...I did go through withdrawal around day 3....it was rough! Im proud of myself! I am on day 10 and on the fifth day of drinking veggie/fruit juice only...I'll be back to eating veggies and fruits tomorrow along with my juicing as well for ten days than back to juicing for another 5 days...and then repeat! Im going till Thanksgiving! 42 days left! Pray blessings on my journey!

Happy Losing!

Follow my journey!


  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    AWESOME for you! I lost 10 pounds in the first, about, 10 days also and I was floored. I continue to lose steadily, though thanks to Aunt Flo, I didn't weigh last week so that I didn't get let down just in case. This week, again I am down 3 more pounds WOOOT, and that was after having a bad cpl of slips. Congrats and keep up the good work!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have been drinking juice for about half of my calories a day because of some digestive problems I have. It has really helped a lot, and I do feel the extra energy too. There is no way I could go with just the juice though.
  • Carolyn204
    Carolyn204 Posts: 14 Member
    Okay, I just checked out the website, and I have questions. I am sure that I could handle a plant-based diet (I have done it before), but I am not sure about only juicing. Are you hungry all the time?

    I don't think you are killing yourself. A plant-based diet is the healthiest way to eat, and there is a TON of research out there to back that up.
  • MsMorningDew
    MsMorningDew Posts: 59 Member
    O thanks for checking my blog! Be sure to click to join the site button to follow along!

    At first...YES my body was like PLEASE EAT SOMETHING! Now I am fine! I think I have adjusted to it now. Feel free to ask me any more questions...to find me it would be easier to hit up the blog because it will email me that you have asked me something. MFP doesnt do that :(

    Hope that helps :0)
  • MsMorningDew
    MsMorningDew Posts: 59 Member
    It was hard at first...doing just juice....but its doable. Im fine now. I only do juice only for five days. I do a 5-5-5. Five days of eating and juicing followed by five days of just juicing then back to eating and juicing. This is my first round of 15 days. Im going to repeat this process until Thanksgiving! You should just try it...even if its for just one day.
  • gracielou09
    Congrats on the quick weight loss! Just be careful because when you take the easy way out with those kind of diets you tend to gain the weight back much faster than if you took a steady route.
  • MsMorningDew
    MsMorningDew Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks! I wouldnt quite call this the easy route. Im changing my eating habits completely and cleansing out my system...
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