*peeks in and says hello*

Well im posting now LOL after joining about a week ago Im posting here to say hey :)

Im caits um 23 , married mum of 3 and my youngest is now 2 and the old " its baby weight" is wearing thin...So i took the plunge and bought scales..would you believe i have never owned scales in my life and i actually nearly died when it said 14stone...Well i weighed myself without clothes on (ooh er) and im at 188lbs ..just under 13 1/2 stone GAH! So i started tracking my food (it all went awry when we went to pizzahut to celebrate my daughters bday...enough said) and ive started exercising... just 30mins a day to start with ... but its the school holidays and im trying to get 30 mins done in the day and 30 at night.. Ive been using the " I dont have time " excuse for too long now... other mothers manage exercise time right?
So probably enough from me.. I just wanted to say Hi and well make some friends lol and get some support... family kinda suck at the motivation thing...
Um anything you wana know just ask.. im a open book ha ha ! :)


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi Caits!
    Well, you've come to the right place. It starts off really hard, but it does get easier once you start seeing results!
    I have a challenge/support group if you're interested. We do nutrition, exercise and overall wellness challenges every other week. Feel free to get the link off my profile and go introduce yourself!
  • fat_tastic
    Hey ya!!!!! Welcome to MFP. I started excersing at 20 min and now I can do an hour. We all have to start somewhere!!! If you can't get support at home you can definitly get some here.