Dance work out DVD's really work?

Hi! I'm new here and have tried exercise videos before but most of the time I get one, do it a few times but loose intrest and have a hard time sticking with it. I had been wanting to try those workout videos that are dance workouts, I finally bought 2 of them today. I was wondering if anybody out there use these and if they really work as the main form of exercise along with diet change to loose weight (I would like to loose about 148 lbs.) ? I think I'll be more likely to stick with this type of workout because it's fun and not just doing the same thing over and over. Would love to hear from anyone with an opinion on this.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Move more - eat less. Yes - exercise videos do work. The key is finding something you enjoy doing. If you enjoy dancing - then dance videos are the way to go. To prevent getting bored - you might look at other ways to obtain dance workouts.

    Library, Netflix,, (health & fitness channel), YouTube ..... lots of resources available. is a great tool for finding videos you like. They have video clips, reviews, and tons of information.
  • evans72002
    evans72002 Posts: 89 Member
    Try Jillian Micahel's 30 day shred. I just started it and love it. They are lots of posts on here about it.
  • you should try zumba class I do it 2-3 times a week and I have lost 44 lbs in 7 months, Im doing more then zumba but it is such a fun way to work out and meet people who are also trying to loose weight
  • when i first started out with Core Rythms, a latin dance work out, and it definitly got me on the right path. They work if you keep up with them so commit to it and do it!! ... I switched to Power 90, gym, Turbo Jam, Chalean Extreme. and that was a more balanced effective workout for me... I think if you get bored with the dance routines try looking up Turbo Jam (kick boxing)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Yes, workout dvd's are great and they do work... Just find something that you enjoy so you are more likely to stick with it.. Check out are tons of workout dvd's on there! Beach Body also has a lot of good workout dvd's such as Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme, Hip Hop Abs, P90X, etc... Good Luck!
  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    Your stats are awesome...that's my motivation for today! Great job!
  • Jamie_V
    Jamie_V Posts: 26
    I'd say you'll never know until you try. Different things work for different people, and if these videos get your heart pumping and you body sweating, and you enjoy it enough to stick with it, you'll probably see success! Alternatively, if you're the competitive sort, you may also enjoy video games for the Wii or XBox like Just Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, Zumba Fitness, etc. Sometimes competing, even if it's just against my own personal best, gives me that little bit extra I need to push myself a bit harder. If you like to dance, though.....I would HIGHLY recommend taking a Zumba class! I love it so much that I take 4-6 classes a week, and I burn an average of about 400 calories per 45 minute class. There is literally sweat on the floor at the end of class, and I love every minute of it. Plus, it started out as my exercise, but it's become my social time too--I have met so many wonderful friends in class, you really begin to bond with these folks who have similar interests. Best of luck to you!! :smile:
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hi! I'm new here and have tried exercise videos before but most of the time I get one, do it a few times but loose intrest and have a hard time sticking with it. I had been wanting to try those workout videos that are dance workouts, I finally bought 2 of them today. I was wondering if anybody out there use these and if they really work as the main form of exercise along with diet change to loose weight (I would like to loose about 148 lbs.) ? I think I'll be more likely to stick with this type of workout because it's fun and not just doing the same thing over and over. Would love to hear from anyone with an opinion on this.

    Hey! I do videos like that. I have two dance ones and 1 called Pilates for Weight Loss and 1 called Blast Off Belly Fat! It's 5, 10-minutes segments and you can do them all or do just 1 or 2. The instructor is great at explaining, helps you stay motivated, and her exercises are easy but challenging because you control the amount of resistance. I burn about 300 calories doing 30 minutes of the Abs video and abouot 250> calories in 30 minutes for the Pilates for Weight Loss. When it comes to the dance ones- they're great for cardio if you can keep up. It takes a little while to get the steps down and do them effectively. I would suggest beginning the DVDs and until you can do that for at least 1/2 an hour consistently while keeping good form and your heart rate up, supplement it with some other cardio and strength training like power walking (or walking a little slower for a longer amount of time), bicycling, jumping rope, anything! It will help with fat burn.
    I find that once I am at a healthy weight, these DVDs are a pretty good daily workout as long as you push yourself as hard as your can and stay consistent. For weight loss, do a little of everything.
    Hope this helps!
  • tifftaffy
    tifftaffy Posts: 141 Member
    As far as the dance workout dvds... I have a few Bollywood dvds that I absolutely LOVE. Namely:
    The Bollywood Dance Workout
    Hemalayaa: Bollywood Booty
    Hemalayaa: Bollywood Burn

    I also have a few Bellydance Instructional DVDs as well as Hula (Hawaiian), Tahitian Hula (yes there's a difference between Hawaiian and Tahitian Hula), Tribal Fusion Bellydance (Tribal Fusion - Yoga Isolations & Drills for Bellydance DVD); irish dance instruction dvds (Jean Butler's Irish Dance Master Class and Colin Dunne: Celtic Feet - Original & Best , and Finis Jhung Ballet Technique Instruction dvds.

    Dance is amazing cardio and works the whole body. I would like to lose a bit more weight before I get focused on the ballet work (I'm using my Fluidity bar as my barre... perhaps when I reach my goal weight I'll treat myself to an actual ballet barre for my workout room ) :-)

    I plan, in the meantime, to get Physique 57. I have Fluidity and Pure Barre... but I'd like to add in an actual program to establish a good routine for myself.