Half way there! 40 lbs lost and progress pics.

NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
I started February 24, 2011 at 229 lbs, BMI was 39.3. Now I am 189 lbs, BMI is 32.4. I am now in the 180s, which feels amazing, and I'm half way to my goal. I don't really know if 149 will stay my goal, I've been saying 135-155.

I was size 22/24 and now i'm 14/16. and 2x/3x to XL. I can't believe I'm out of the plus size section, and I have to remind myself I might as well trash those Lane Bryant coupons.

It has taken me 7.5 months to get here, and I'm really happy with my progress. :D

Now I can't wait to get into that overweight category. 15 more lbs! My birthday is in 4 weeks and my goal for then is 185. Here's a recent progress pic.


I have 2 little kids, and i work full time. I'm married and my husband works the opposite schedule from me. I exercise 40-60 minutes per day after my kids go to bed (if I try in the mornings, my older son wakes up, he gets up at 5:30 everyday anyway). I have logged my food here on mfp everyday since february! I mostly do exercise bike and Jillian DVDs.


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