Zumba Anyone ?

Who has tried Zumba ? Is it easy ? Hard ? Did you get results ? Please share ...


  • Beauty0619
    Beauty0619 Posts: 39 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE ZUMBA!!! I go twice a week, maybe 3 times if i have some more time. I wear a calorie counter watch and you burn at least 600 calories!!! at least!! It's a great way to get cardio in by dancing and having fun and working muscles. you will be sore the next day! you should def give it a try!!!
  • dansing83
    dansing83 Posts: 47 Member
    I have, it's lots of fun. Very dancy, but the routines are repetitive so you can pick them up. And I've noticed there's all different kinds of people, more larger women feel comfortable there I think, It's also a good work out; got me sweating and huffing, which is my criteria for a good work out. I'm not in great shape, but getting there. :smile:
  • kirakaydawn
    I started Zumba yesterday!
    And OMG do I feel it today..
    and then I was like No kez day two lets goooo...

    Still feel like I'm gonna fall apart am hoping it gets easier *for me not the actual work out* as I go..
  • GetMySkiniBack
    I have Zumba for Wii and it's the only workout that I WANT to go back to. It's fun and you can pick your level: beginner, intermediate, etc. Try it out - you'll love it!
  • Miggy52
    Miggy52 Posts: 164
    I do Zumba Tuesday's at Curves and Thursday at another location. I have not really noticed to much in the way of results it is like anything the more you do it the more you benifit from it...If you love to dance you will love zumba...the music is great..I have the DVD set with Toning bars that I will be starting to use on the weekends over the winter time...seeing as there will not be much yard work due to snow..lol.....It is as easy as you want it to be...follow the steps as best you can until you master them...try going on you tube and check it out...you can pretty muchh learn the basic steps right there...
  • masterfitness4u
    Oh! YA! Zumba is fun and burns loads of cals. It really depends on the instructor. Some are fast paces, others a little slower. But you almost don't even know your working out because it can be a lot of fun =)
  • anniesherman
    I did Zumba yesterday, and according to my HRM, I burned 900 calories. NINE. HUNDRED. Insane. It was so much fun, too.
  • Miggy52
    Miggy52 Posts: 164
    I wish there was a "LIKE" button....lol...
  • whit1108
    I teach zumba twice a week here in town and LOVE IT!! its a great workout and burn lots of calories. If you love to dance you will really enjoy zumba. Its lots of fun. You will leave in a sweat and get ur cardio workout in.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I just picked up the instructional zumba basics and 20 minute workout, and I am wondering why 1/2 way through the instructional video!!! I have 2 left feet!!!! I don't know how I will burn calories when I keep tripping over my own feet before starting the actual workout. Guess it takes PRACTICE?!!! Oh well, dancing is fun, and hopefully I won't have 2 left feet forever!
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I love it! In all honesty I never even think about the calorie burn I just have great fun. My instructors great at giving varying intensities and offering high impact alternatives so I always feel it the next day!

    Try it, what have you got to lose?!?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    love zumba. its fun you don't reallize you are working out.

    infact got class tonight
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    I just picked up the instructional zumba basics and 20 minute workout, and I am wondering why 1/2 way through the instructional video!!! I have 2 left feet!!!! I don't know how I will burn calories when I keep tripping over my own feet before starting the actual workout. Guess it takes PRACTICE?!!! Oh well, dancing is fun, and hopefully I won't have 2 left feet forever!
    The Zumba videos are actually a bit more tricky than doing an actual class, but it's a ton of fun no matter how you do it. You'll get better and better each time, but aside from all of that, just keep on moving! That's the important part. :)
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I LOVE zumba! It's so kuch fun! You will feel kinda awkward until you learn the steps. After 5 times of going I noticed a dfference in my love handles, and I wasn't even dieting at the point. It's also one of those you get what you give type workouts. The harder you work the faster you see results.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I eventually skipped the intro and went right to the 30 minute video. It was easier than the instructional video! But boy did it work my core!!! I am not sure how I am going to do my 30D Shred tomorrow!!!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I do Zumba as part of my routine when I can but I haven't done it as my only workout. I know several people who have lost tons of weight doing it though :)
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    Trying it on Sunday. I'm scared. I am 5'11" so I can't hide. :embarassed: The instructor is from Brazil (oh lord help me). Friend me and I will let you know how it goes.
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    Trying it on Sunday. I'm scared. I am 5'11" so I can't hide. :embarassed: The instructor is from Brazil (oh lord help me). Friend me and I will let you know how it goes.
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    Trying it on Sunday. I'm scared. I am 5'11" so I can't hide. :embarassed: The instructor is from Brazil (oh lord help me). Friend me and I will let you know how it goes.
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    Trying it on Sunday. I'm scared. I am 5'11" so I can't hide. :embarassed: The instructor is from Brazil (oh lord help me). Friend me and I will let you know how it goes.