What to do with workout "Afterburn" time

Okay, so after I "get my sweat on" for an hour or more, even after a cool shower I will be glowing beet red and will continue to perspire (particularly my head and neck) for a good 30 - 40 minutes afterwards. So after I blow-dry my hair, it just gets sweatty and stringy again, and I feel quite dishevelled the rest of the day . . .and it's totally pointless to even try putting on makeup because it will drip off like a cheap B-grade zombie movie.

For this reason, I prefer to work out AFTER work, but some days the best times for me to fit in a workout is either on my lunch hour or in the morning before work.

Herein lies the problem: I have actually used the "afterburn" issue as an excuse not to work out because colleagues who see me in that 40-minute window have reacted by asking if I'm having a heart attack or am about to pass out! [Yes, I get that red, and yes I look that bad!]

I know I'm whining, but does anyone else have "afterburn" issues, and what do you do about it?


  • I read in a magazine that if you keep a cool wet towel on your neck (if possible) it keeps your face from flushing as bad.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    Same thing happens to me. Worked out this morning and am red as an apple. Its just me though....always been that way even now that I am in good shape. I take a warm shower followed by cold and allow myself enough time to dry off before dressing. Also a fan helps. usually within 40-45 mins I can apply makeup, get dressed and blow dry my hair for work
  • Jamiel33
    Jamiel33 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem. I have not found anything that helps it yet. I just try to cool down before taking a cold shower. But it sounds like you dont have that option sometimes.
  • carrie564
    carrie564 Posts: 44 Member
    I've always had that, too. All through middle/high school I'd be completely pink for the entire class hour after gym. It's just something you'll have to deal with. Just up your confidence & laugh with the people who make comments: "Yeah I get REALLY red when I work out!". I promise, none of them are thinking that you SHOULDN'T work out because of it. If anything you'll be an inspiration, showing that you've done it, even during lunch hour. :)

    I never shower right after working out because of that. I take about 20 min to stretch and cool down, blend up my morning smoothie or slim fast shake, take my vitamins, walk around getting a few chores done, etc. Then I hop in the shower. My husband has to do the same thing- wait to cool down before showering.

    On days that are just too tight to do that, maybe you'll just have to change your routines on those days. Workout way harder/intense for a shorter amount of time, so you can have that 15-20 min to stretch & cool down before having to shower. Good luck!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    You might try this. When you take your shower have the water as hot as you can stand it, and then slowly cool the water to as cold as you can stand it. This pushes the heat into your muscles, but also cools you off. And I mean cold people. I get it to the point where the hot water is completely turned off and actually, if feels really good.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I have the same problem...this is what I do:

    1. Consume LOTS of ice cold water during my workout,
    2. Take a hot shower and follow it up with a cold blast of water,
    3. Drink more ice cold water,
    4. Turn on my fan (or AC - depending on the weather) or go stand in the backyard in my robe.

    Once I'm done with my AM ritual (picking out clothes/shoes/moisturize/etc..) my face isn't so hot and I can apply my makeup.

    I saw the suggestion to keep a cool towel around your neck, I'm gonna try that one out!
  • I know exactly what you are talking about!! I don't have much advice to help you, but I can relate. I have to basically schedule my workouts for times when I have the hour-ish it takes to exercise, plus 30 minutes cool down time, plus however long I plan on taking to get ready. If I try to squeeze in a workout and just get ready directly after, I am a sweaty mess, standing in front of the freezer, I can not cool off. I try to take cool showers, but if you haven't cooled off a bit first that doesn't even work. I can get out of a fresh shower and then realize in five minutes that I am still sweating from my workout. My father in law calls this a "shower that didn't take" hahaha!!

    Maybe on days you know you won't have much "afterburn" or cool down time you could do something less cardio focused, like Pilates or Bar Method or something??
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    I have this issue as well. I get red very easily and I think it has gotten a bit better since I have been working out 6 to 7 days a week. I still need an extra 20 minutes or so to get my color and sweat level back to normal. I usually end up working out @ night only because sleep is my favorite activity. :)