took my first spinning class tonight.

sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
i've been curious about it since i signed up for the gym a month and a half ago. i was really intimidated and scared to try it. i've been doing well at the gym but i'm still pretty out of shape. i saw that they had a 'beginners' version, and i was feeling froggy, so i signed up to take the one tonight. walked into the little tiny room packed with 15 bikes - fans EVERYWHERE! the instructor made me sit up front cause i was new. when the class started, the fluorescents went out and the blacklights came on! i almost chickened out - but i didn't - and i loved it! it was 45 minutes of loud music, craziness, and sweat! I pushed through it like a champ! it was a mix of beginners and advanced, and the instructor handled it really well!! a certain.. area.. is really sore right now (guess the proper term is 'saddle-sore') and i won't be surprised if i'm feeling it elsewhere tomorrow, but knowing i got it from spinning my booty off for 45 minutes makes it hurt it a good way. i'll definitely be back for more.


  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    Nice job!! The Spin class its a killer!!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    Nice work!

    I need to do this. I don't know why I haven't.
  • I love spin class. It is the best low impact to do for your body and yet you burn and tone alot.
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    Good for you! It's a great workout and you'll probably be sore for the next few days but that's a good thing! :wink:
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    im ADDICTED to my spin fact i went back to my old gym last week cause my new gym had ****ty spin classes...:D
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    Awesome! I'm so glad you stuck through it and had a great time!

    The first spinning class I took was is Cusco, Peru, 3400 meters above sea level. I joined a gym, and same as you, I was curious and decided to go to a class one day. The first class coupled with the altitude just about killed me, but I had a blast and kept going back for more. I looked forward to the spinning class days the whole summer I was there!
  • ssumbrella
    ssumbrella Posts: 3 Member
    Spinning is great! It's a lot less impact than running, and more work than walking. I love it. In terms of being saddle sore, it will happen. Over time, my body has adjusted. My wife, however, opted to get some padded cycling shorts off the discount rack at a bike shop. She loves them for spin class.
    Great job tonight, and keep up the good work.
  • I love love love spinning class! I usually do them 3 times a week. Sooo fun!
  • DimplesInProgress
    DimplesInProgress Posts: 149 Member
    I felt the same way after my first (and only) spin class. I can't wait to go back... Unfortunately I work in retail and seem to always be at work when the classes are at my gym.... Tomorrow though, I think I can swing it! Good luck! And Happy Shredding!
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Sounds like an awesome class! I am addicted to spin-it is an fun way to burn calories. The saddle soreness will go away after a few classes. Keep it at it!
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    I wish my gym had a spinning class :grumble:
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    YAY YOU! I'm going to take one - eventually...
  • That is really awesome. I take a spin class once a week, but before I started I felt the same way. I thought that I couldn't do it because I hadn't rode a bike for quite some time. But now I love it and I just thank God that I am able to do it because I couldn't a yr and half ago. Keep up the good work and enjoy :-)
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I have soo been wanting to try spin. I wish they'd offer a later class :(

    Great work!!!
  • Love spin they offer it at the YMCA everyday of the week...I use to spin 3 days a week...plan on going back Friday...and yes the soreness will go away the more you go...good luck
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    The gym that I go to in a small town. They only have the bikes no classes or DVD. So you don't see anyone on the bikes. What is some things I can do on them? Can anyone give me some ideas...
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    I LOVE spin class. Recently got hooked and I'm loving it. Such a great workout. No way I could get that kind of variation in tempo, "elevation," intensity on my own. Good for you!
  • I tried my first spinning class recently and I know what you mean about saddle-sore! THe instructor told me that you get used to it. Hmmm. I was told by another class attendee that some teachers have you standing more. That sounds better... Loved the burn, but haven't been back yet.
  • holzjw1482
    holzjw1482 Posts: 120 Member
    I've done spinning over the winters for the past 3 years and really like it. If you get hooked, do yourself a favor and go buy some of the clip in shoes (most spin bikes have the clip in pedals). It makes a world of difference for pulling the pedal through the whole stroke.
  • prlow
    prlow Posts: 11 Member
    I recently started spinning too and love it! The first few days I was sore but hang in there it gets better. :wink:
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