Help with hunger... Please!!

I'm new to MFP and have gone over my recommended calorie limit for a few days now. I just find myself to be so hungry!! Any suggestions for handling the hunger will be appreciated. Thanks. :flowerforyou:


  • crencibia
    crencibia Posts: 8 Member
    water, water, water!!! that always helps me. Sometimes I have to drink a diet soda if I get really bad. Banana's, more fiber, more protein...those things should help as well. DON'T GIVE UP!!! You will get beyond that hunger before you know it....
  • I agree! lots of water! I sometimes put things like crystal light in my water to help.
    Things like granola bars with fiber in them help also. And you can find them very low calorie.
    I like to chew on ice chips. Or gum also :)
  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    Make sure your eating the right amount of calories. And eat alot of small snacks. Like the 100 cal ones...I like the natural almonds bc it really is filling. Distracts your stomach from feeling hungry.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    It is hard to tell with your diary closed. You can add a lot of fruits and veggies for very low calories. The less processed your food is, generally you can eat more of it for the same calories. Skip the frozen and boxed meals and bake your own chicken and veggies.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I agree about the water, before, I was overeating and never drinking enough water, now I drink 8+cups of water daily and always have calories to spare.
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    this usually means your lacking something. try changing up your proteins, fiber, etc and drink more water (as was stated). eat more fruits and vegetables, they're filling and for little calories.
  • Norton1971
    Norton1971 Posts: 32 Member
    I agree, water is good to stop the hunger for me too.
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    I exercise everyday to increase the amount of cals I can have, otherwise I know I would go over. Also, if I'm going to have a few drinks at the weekend I do extra. Works for me.
  • mudar146
    mudar146 Posts: 146 Member
    I have this same problem! Thank you for posting this!! :)
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    Exercise! So you can eat more! That's the only way I have survived. :)
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Depending on what you have available to you I like to keep salad in the fridge at work - this way if I get really hungry I eat salad with salad dressing. I love Organic Girl Herb - really tasty and I pair it with a Lite Honey Mustard or low fat dressing. I usually carry a fiber bar in my purse on the weekend so if I get stuck somewhere I don't do fast food I can wait until I get home. Make sure you are getting enough protein - I find I have to eat over on the recommended protein in my diary or I am starving!! Good Luck!!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Eat more protein and fiber, and exercise so you can eat more! Burn 400 calories = you can eat 400 more calories. (The only problem is that MFP's calorie burn estimates are often way off, which is why a lot of people use heart rate monitors to estimate calorie burn)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Exercise! So you can eat more! That's the only way I have survived. :)

  • PamelaLavender
    PamelaLavender Posts: 63 Member
    Don't forget you can earn some cal's by adding exercise to your daily routine. But for now make sure your getting in enough of the right healthy foods - filling foods (Fruits / Veggies). Are you eating just 3 meals a day or are you breaking out into mini meals. I found eating mini meals really do help keep you fuller along with WATER.

    You may want to opening your journal up to a few of your friends and having them take a look at it to help you out.

    Best Wishes.
  • ameerah77
    ameerah77 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you all for your replies! I will try some of the suggestions...
  • Samkeei
    Samkeei Posts: 7 Member
    Try eating foods lower in calories and more protein hun. Good luck...i'll add you
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Absolutely and positively - more soup (made from scratch with real veggies). Depending on what veg you use it's hardly any calories and it fills a whole until you are ready for a main meal. Also make sure you have enough protein which makes you feel fuller as a few people have mentioned here. Good luck!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I can only speak for myself, but foods that are high in protein and fiber are staples of my diet these days. I feel so much fuller and end up eating within my limits far more than I do when I eat a lot of bread and pasta or other starchy foods.

    My recommendation is to switch out some of your starchy carbs for protein rich foods. Instead of a sandwich, try eating some chicken or fish with a side of broccoli. The calorie intake may be the same, but the chicken + broccoli may make you feel fuller for longer.

    I also try to keep my sugar intake low (even natural sugars). Whenever I eat a lot of sugary foods, especially ones without much fiber, it makes me really hungry an hour or two after I'm done and I end up eating poorly.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Eat more protein and fiber, and exercise so you can eat more! Burn 400 calories = you can eat 400 more calories. (The only problem is that MFP's calorie burn estimates are often way off, which is why a lot of people use heart rate monitors to estimate calorie burn)


    Make the most of the 1200 calories (or add more thru exercise). Protein, fiber, fat, & complex carbs help keep you full longer.
  • lordsyrinex
    lordsyrinex Posts: 6 Member
    The biggest thing I've done to help me is eat ~100 calorie snacks in between meals. This helps keep my hunger down to a manageable issue and allows me to eat 300-400 calorie meals to keep me from going over my daily calories. When I want to eat a little extra, I make myself exercise to add the additional room.

    You'll get there, it took me a bit to come down to where I could handle eating proportional meals without feeling like I'm still hungry after eating.