I'm an apple shape and I hate myself what should I do?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm the dreaded apple shape.

    I have no booty
    no hips
    big tummy and boobs

    You can't change your shape even if you lose weight body shape is body shape. I hate this so much, everytime I hear "Your hip size is predetermined by bone structure and cannot be changed." I want to scream and cry and punch things.

    I long for a curvy shape, an hour glass or pear. And no matter what I do or how much weight I lose I will still be an apple shape. I don't mind being fat, I like it I prefer fat/chubby/thick bodies to thins ones. I'm only losing weight so I my apple shape is not so exaggerated. But since I'll never not be an apple I have no motivation to go on.

    I'm a puerto rican girl with no hips or booty, a 42 inch waist and no more motivation.

    You need to learn to love yourself. You can't change it so stop wallowing in misery over what you can't be and learn to appreciate what you are.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    You don't have to be happy with your body, but at least stop hating yourself!

    Also... Unless you already have a low body fat %, chances are you CAN change your body shape to some degree by losing weight. I'm an apple by body structure; my ribcage is a normal size, but I have no hips whatsoever. I looked seriously unbalanced when I was obese; not only was I bigger-boned up top, I also had more fat up top. I wore XXL tops and L pants.

    But now that I've lost weight, I'm MUCH more balanced. I wear S-M tops and S pants! I will never have an hourglass body thanks to my lack of hips, but I'm okay with that. Look around... There are plenty of beautiful women (celebs, fitness models, swimsuit models, you name it) who have tiny hips!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The fact that you are apple shaped should be motivation in itself because it puts in a higher risk category for some diseases. It is unfortunate that you want to change it and can't, but whining about it and using it as a an excuse to give up won't help anything. There are many beautiful apple shaped women out there and there is no reason you can't be one of them. Focus on your health. Don't focus on what can't be, focus on making the most of YOU.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Don't hate yourself!! There are lots of us apples out there. You're right - there's no way to forever change our shapes entirely, but I can tell you they will change slightly. I've now lost 25 pounds and for the first time in my life found pants that were perfect in the hips and lose on the waist.

    I still have large breasts and a large tummy and can't wear shirts tucked in or, God forbid, an exposed belt. But, I'm seeing a bit of daylight peaking past my waist when I lower my arms.

    There are few people in this world who are ever totally happy with their shapes. Curvy, skinny, hourglass - each has its plusses and minuses. Try to focus on your health for a while and see if you can get your motivation back.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • spottedlee
    If you are an apple shape....should you be doing core exercises :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    LOL,, I am so sorry but this is sooooooooooo funny!

  • Silvergamma
    Silvergamma Posts: 102 Member
    The only way I was able to start getting healthy was when I had the epiphany that my poor self image and body hatred was contributing to me abusing my body. I decided that even if I wasn't the shape I wanted to be, I would work on treating my body in a loving manner. Love yourself, and the rest will fall into place.
  • misssugarplum
    Hi love! Sorry you are feeling so down about yourself... but, I totally get it. I am an apple shape too!

    While you are working on your trouble spots, dress in a way that highlights the parts you do like. For now, I am wearing empire waist tops and dresses, to highlight my bust, and skirts and shorts to highlight my legs.

    I don't feel so down about myself when I can't see my tummy because I can't get past my killer cleavage :wink:

    And I totally agree with withchaco. When I was skinny, I was pear shaped. You have lovely, womanly curves just waiting to be unveiled!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Please don't hate yourself

    I hope you can focus on something you LOVE about yourself, and then work on the parts you aren't happy with. Eating right and working out hard WILL yield results...it just takes time!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    1. Realize you deserve a better life and get your head strainghtened out.
    2. Set reasonable caloric goals with rational macronutrient ratios and clean up your relationship with food.
    3. Get active five or six days a week alternating between cardio activities and resistence activities for 30 to 45 minutes a day. Don't do both on the same day, especially since you are just starting out and your body is going to freak out over the changes for a bit.
    4. Track EVERYTHING. This is everything you eat and drink, even water. This means also tracking your exercise. This is critical when you are trying to evaluate what is working and what is not. It is also much harder to lie to yourself when it is in black and white.
    5. Don't compare your progress to any body else. You are an individual and will respond to the changes in your own way.

    Hope that helps. Enjoy the journey.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Everyone is right...don't hate who you are. But you can do things to improve your appearance. I'm an apple, too, and I lose first in my arms, thighs, legs...the places I least need to lose. But it is coming off the abdominal area, too, just more slowly. Losing weight will help you be more in proportion. And yes, your hipbones cannot change and will always be that size, but you can melt some of the fat off that area, then they will be smaller. Your bone structure is your bone structure; you can't change it. But you CAN change how much fat is layered over those bones!

    As others have said, focus on your health first and foremost. As the weight comes off, you will find your body getting more proportionate. You may never have what you consider your "ideal" figure, but if everyone had that, the world would be a boring place! So don't give up. As someone else pointed out, too, your particular shape makes you more susceptible to certain diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Getting into shape and losing weight will help reduce your risk for those things. You can be more active and not be confined to a couch all the time.

    YOU CAN DO IT! :bigsmile:
  • muneca84
    muneca84 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello my fellow apple shaped ladies!!

    I too get disgusted with my body but until i started to work out ive notice my body toning up and more shape to it and gives me motivation to keep going to see how I can transform my body!!

    Doing the 30 day shred for the 2nd time around.

    Add me (:
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I am totally an apple shape. Friend me and take a look at my before and after pictures. Something to look forward to. Start tracking your food and get your *kitten* in the gym. :)
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    Let me start off by saying those people who reply "stop hating yourself" need to piss off. If you cant understand that it's not a matter of "doing" then you have no business commenting. I also am an Apple shape and hate my body. It's a mental thing, not a will thing. I used to be a cute 125 lb girl and now i'm 180lbs. Its EXTREMELY difficult to love yourself after you feel like you've exploded and feel disgusting in your own body. It is possible to get through it. It's almost like a mental illness, you dont walk up to a belemic and just tell them to stop throwin up. I found that "dating myself" has helped my to love myself more. After gaining weight, I never wanted to do my makeup or fix my hair or wear nice clothes cuz I thought, whats the use, I'm fat anyways, its not like it will make a difference. Well boy was I wrong. I spent a little extra $ and got my hair cut shorter than I'd had in years, got good shampoo for the hair color, I make sure my nails are always done even if I have to do them myself, I get up early to take a shower and style my hair and do makeup. This has helped me realize that you CAN be beautiful even if there are spare pounds. I have friends who are bigger than me, and I never see them for their size but instead for how confident and powerful they are. If you carry yourself with pride and confidence, they good mood will radiate. Now, as far as nutrition goes, I had done some research (I know this was especially true for me, and yes everyone is different, but it may help) and found that I gain weight in my middle due to a low tolerance of sugar. Apple shapped people have a higer chance of developing Diabetes and I found that I was already on my way to that point and had developed "Insulin resistency" and was pre-diabetic. After cutting out lots of sugar and carbs/starch I started to feel much better. Altough I lost about 10 lbs, I felt less dense if that makes sense? My Dr. reccomended the South Beach Diet because it's better for my shape because it helps you to re-balance your tolerance to sugar etc. I also found that taking a good abount of B-12 has helped me AMAZINGLY. It really increases my mood and I am always more upbeat when I take them and my multi-vitamins. Also, I know it's not that easy to find out, but if you know what your blood type is, there are suggestions for how to eat based on that. If you donate blood they can tell youi ive been told. For me, I will NEVER see results with diet and calorie deprevation alone, I NEED to burn calories or it wont come off. Cardio and weight lifting helped me the most. I had lost around 35 lbs. and then got so tired I stopped and gained it all back and now I'm here again. A pound of fat is 3,500 calories, so I log the calories burned to get a more realistic timeline of how fast I should be losing weight if I stick to it. Weight loss and body acceptance is a long and tough battle. It IS possible to love your body as long as your willing to put in the work and effort. I hope this helps. I'm no expert but this is what I have found to be true for me. Good luck! :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The mybodygallery.com site has some lovely apple shaped women on it. I don't think apple shaped dooms anyone to unattractiveness.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Wow, oldest thread EVER.... Who dredged this up?!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You can't change the places that your body keeps fat, but you can change the amount of fat on your body. Lose fat, gain muscle, and you'll be happier with your body.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm on my phone, and can't post a pic, but take a look at my profile pic- particularly the post run pictures. I'm also apple shaped, but that apple looks a whole lot different at a healthy weight. I was just under 170 at 5'10" and still had work to to. But that is hardly a body to hate. We may not ever be curvy, but that doesn't mean we can't be trim and sexy.
  • Bjninja
    Bjninja Posts: 44
    Yes, please don't hate your shape. I am a pear, as curvy and hourglass as they come, and I can't find a pair of pants that fit my hips AND my waist. Lane Bryant comes close, but I always have to take things in. Plus I'm not that big on top, and I've never been able to sleep on my back. I've always wanted the shapely legs you have, and for my bum to be smaller. So believe me, each shape has it's own problems. I might be the "definition" of womanly, but it's not all rainbows! I do agree with everyone here though, build more muscle and you'll love the results!
  • aprmay
    aprmay Posts: 216 Member
    I am apple shaped and I love it. As soon as I lose my tummy and get fit everywhere, I will be athletic looking so I am actually excited to be an apple. Don't hate your body. Work with it!!!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I'm the dreaded apple shape.

    I have no booty
    no hips
    big tummy and boobs

    You can't change your shape even if you lose weight body shape is body shape. I hate this so much, everytime I hear "Your hip size is predetermined by bone structure and cannot be changed." I want to scream and cry and punch things.

    I long for a curvy shape, an hour glass or pear. And no matter what I do or how much weight I lose I will still be an apple shape. I don't mind being fat, I like it I prefer fat/chubby/thick bodies to thins ones. I'm only losing weight so I my apple shape is not so exaggerated. But since I'll never not be an apple I have no motivation to go on.

    I'm a puerto rican girl with no hips or booty, a 42 inch waist and no more motivation.

    I'm an apple shape. I got myself to the gym to do cardio/strength and I eat a little better than I was doing.
    I now appear to have some hips and a waist again.

    It can be done - motivate yourself to want it enough, and you will make it happen.