I am new.

Hello everyone, I am a newcomer, my cousin got me started on this site and so far I am loving it. My name is Sherry, and I have been struggling with being overweight for years now, but have finally decided to do something about it. With the help of this website and excersising, I am on my way to loosing weight.


  • PaulaJKelly
    Good for you. Wishing you great success. Drink lots of water 8-10 (8 oz) per day. Get enough protein each day. Walking is great exercise.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Hi Sherry, welcome!
  • Busyboymomx3
    Busyboymomx3 Posts: 110 Member
    Good luck- you can do it!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Good job you can do this :)
  • seaillusion7
    seaillusion7 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm new too! I'm excited about having one place to record everything that I eat instead of having post-it notes everywhere! lol Good luck Sheryl!
  • msqdpie
    msqdpie Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome, I wish I'd of found this site 4 years ago, So far I love it, I just joined also, You are more than welcome to add me, if you'd like.
  • Timothytim2

    I find this a huge help, not because I always succeed at hitting my targets, but rather because it keeps me aiming at the targets and always aware of them.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • saraiwarren
    Welcome! This site has made a huge difference for me. Knowing that my food and exercise diaries are published everyday helps me stay within my limits. It's also nice knowing others are going through something similar. Good luck and I hope to hear more about your success!
  • JaimeBrown5
    Hiya! Welcome!

    You'll love this site - it's a great motivator!

    If you need some cheering, feel free to add me as a friend!