Lost my motivation

I have officially lost my motivation. I have fallen way off track and am having a hard time getting back where I need to be. I have no desire to exercise, and my eating habits are terrible again. I don't know where my motivation went or how I can get it back. Any suggestions?


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Pick yourself up, dust off and start fresh. You have to want to change your eating habits and then apply that. Exercise...take a short walk, then add to it daily. Take a day for rest. Change up your routine..maybe walk Sun/Wed/Fri do a work out dvd Tues/Thurs and take off Sat to relax...something like that. The only one who can change you, IS you!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Take it one day at time. You can do this, it's hard but you have a huge support system of MFP to get you to your goal. If you don't try, then you won't succeed. Best of luck!
  • Restart your weight loss. Don't sit around and wait for motivation to come to you. Actions incite motivation. When you eat healthily, you'll be motivated to continue eating healthily. So start now, don't wait until Monday.
  • Whopooh
    Whopooh Posts: 50
    Motivation is hard thing. Dig down deep. Just looking at your before and after picture can motivate you. You've lost 5 lbs and look how different your face is in your pictures. You can tell a huge difference. Pick yourself up and dust your self off. Hang in there. We all lose are motivation from time to time.
  • kayelrick
    kayelrick Posts: 31 Member
    I think after the initial loss of about 5 lbs it gets a bit tougher. I don't buy any chocolates or biscuits and very little in the way of bread or potatoes when I go shopping - this helps a lot when I fancy a snack and search the cupboards ! !
  • Sometimes you have to just restart. Forget the past failure or successes. I know a person that was at a 5k race and saw no "ghetto booty" as she put it. That encouraged her to begin running.
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    Same thing happened to me for about 2 months........ I made myself log in every day to MFP, whether I logged my food or not, I still signed in every day and read the message boards. Little by little I gained my motivation. And I also made a pact with my DH to work out again like we were in the past (not just walking 4 times/week). AND, I have a trip planned in February, so that is another motivation for me!! I also looked up new recipes to keep the excitement and variety going.............Good luck to you. You have it in you, just release it :smile:
  • I have been doing this exactly one year today. Lost 70lbs. You have to want to do it. I was truly at rock bottom when I started. There is no other option. I am rewarding myself for this one anniversary by...doing it again for another year. :bigsmile:
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    Think about why you joined in the first place..........If you really want this then its down to you ........Its never easy but if you never start then how will you ever finish.
    Get yourself together and start afresh,the only way to do it is to START
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I'm right there with ya, girl. Did great for months, and the last month or so I've kind of taken a dive. I think the 'fake it till you make it'' thing works pretty good, though.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have been doing this exactly one year today. Lost 70lbs. You have to want to do it. I was truly at rock bottom when I started. There is no other option. I am rewarding myself for this one anniversary by...doing it again for another year. :bigsmile:

    Love your reward!!! :)
  • Just when you ready to give up and think you have nothing left to give, that is when you push yourself even harder!!!! Success is only achieved when every time you fall you get back up again. Don't give up! A healthy lisfestyle is all about the journey and the reward of what you are doing for yourself long term. It's not just about diet and exercise, its about believing in yourself and making yourself worth it all. Don't think about what you aren't doing think about what you ARE. You're asking for help and wanting motivation, that's a start.
  • To be honest, not sure what any one could say to motivate you - the desire to live a healthier more active life and do what you have to in order to lose weight can't be anyone's decision but your own. No one is going to take bad food away from you and shove an apple in your mouth, and no one is going to tie you to a treadmill and make you run til you like it. You have to wake up every morning and decide every day that you're going to own your decisions.

    You need to sit back and really think - do I want this? how badly do I want it? If I'm not trying, why not?
  • Janiceleeodom
    Janiceleeodom Posts: 2 Member
    Dear Red,
    Life is complicated and staying motivated is hard. I started out at 345 at my heaviest. I have lost 12 pounds. I know this sounds crazy, but i would love to be where you are in the journey! I am 43. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I take 16 prescribed medications every day. I am now in the fight of my life. If there were complications from the diabetes with my kidneys, I would not be a candidate for surgery because of my weight. Losing weight is hard, but I have to choose to do it for myself, because myself is important. I have contributions to make to my world. You do too. I see your pictures, you are a beautiful young lady! Remember your health! Make a list of goals--not weight loss goals, but things you would like to achieve. Now, how many of those things would be easier if you were at your ideal weight? You go girl!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    My Inspirations
    I want to be a healthy role model for my daughter.
    I want to be someone my fiance can be proud to be seen with.
    I want to feel better about myself.
    I want to get off my high blood pressure medication.

    Familiar? These are the reasons you embarked on this lifestyle change and excellent reasons they are.:smile:

    We all struggle from time to time and no one can make you excercise or eat healthily but I am sure your daughter will appreciate a healthy happy mummy. You CAN do this just make small changes in your lifestyle and I am sure you will find that they amount to big changes in time. Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Look at your profile page. Read it. You still want those things for yourself don't you. Only you can do this for yourself. Pull yourself up and get determined to get yourself to your goals. You can do this.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Yeah, move it or lose the ability to. I just got back from the chiropractor. I have a sprained back and can't work out for a few days. I take a lot of sideways criticism from my parents, daughter, acquaintances, because I work out daily. They think of it as an obsession. However, my chiropractor told me today that if I had not started working out when I did and gotten the weight off, I would have been in a wheelchair by now, or at the very least, walking with a cane. She also told me that if I stop working out, my body will deteriorate rapidly.
    And the back sprain...caused by damaged ligaments in my low back. Because the ligaments are damaged and don't support the SI joint the way they should. The ligaments were damaged by carrying over 100 pounds of excess weight for 20 years. The only reason I don't have more problems with it is because all the muscle I have built up helps support it.

    You're young. Don't spend years abusing your body by forcing it to carry weight it wasn't meant to. Because it WILL come back and bite you in the *kitten* later! I will be 50 next month and I'm in the best shape of my life. I wish to God I had done it sooner.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My Inspirations
    I want to be a healthy role model for my daughter.
    I want to be someone my fiance can be proud to be seen with.
    I want to feel better about myself.
    I want to get off my high blood pressure medication.

    Familiar? These are the reasons you embarked on this lifestyle change and excellent reasons they are.:smile:

    We all struggle from time to time and no one can make you excercise or eat healthily but I am sure your daughter will appreciate a healthy happy mummy. You CAN do this just make small changes in your lifestyle and I am sure you will find that they amount to big changes in time. Good luck:flowerforyou:

    This is exactly what I was going to say! That's the great thing about when people fill in their profile pages, it gives you a place to go back when you need a reminder of why you started this in the first place. Maybe print that short list out with a picture of your fiance and daughter to be a more constant reminder?

    OP, maybe you need to find something to make it easier on you... Try different exercises to see which are the most fun. Try different recipes/foods to keep things interesting. And try not to deprive yourself. As long as it's within your calorie limits (or pick a cheat day when it's ok to go over a bit) go ahead and treat yourself so you're not feeling like you're missing out. Whatever it takes to keep you sane and keep you going.