Too Ashamed to go to the GYM



  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I had this same problem when I started working out, I felt so very very uncomfortable using any of the machines in my gym's cardio area. By the time I was 30 minutes in on my first trip, I didn't give a flying hoot, because it was so darn obvious that no one else did. Everyone is doing their own thing, and I'm pretty darn sure everyone would rather be doing it at home alone, except that the equipment/pool is not there. We all go to the gym and immediately ignore everyone else while we do our thing.

    So throw that suit on (under your clothes BEFORE you leave the house, so you don't have to deal with changing there), strut yourself into the locker room and drop off your outside clothes, wrap up in a towel and don't discard it until you are sliding into that pool. And trust me, the water wiggles so much, no body can see your body once you're in. Take a deep breath, and swim!

    The hardest step is deciding you want to go. You've made that decision already, the rest is cake :)
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Hey If you look good people will find something to criticize you and if you look bad too...just go for it!!! You only live once...enjoy the ride!
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    It's time for you to put on your big girl panties and pull yourself up by the bootstraps. You don't get very far in life fearing what others think, say or do.

    Put on that bathingsuit, hold that chin high and get in that pool!

    You WILL be a changed person when you are done with your swim. The first thing you build is confidence!
  • caffn8d
    caffn8d Posts: 8 Member
    In the words of Dr. Seuss - "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My gym is full of fitness models and bodybuilders. As an obese woman, it was really uncomfortable walking in there at first, but I found that most everyone was kind and friendly towards me. As my weight came down, they all started rooting for me and encouraging me.

    Long story short, don't worry about it. Just go, do your thing, and you might find some of those "pretty" people are great and can be a good source of encouragement for you.
  • Enjoy your life, if you feel like swimming go for it. I had the same problem, i did not want anyone else to see me in my bathing suit. I had to get out of that funk and just do it. I know the first time is gonna be hard. Trust me i go to the pool now not caring what anybody else thinks. I enjoyed my time at the pool. I felt so relaxed and enjoying myself. Besides, everybody there is there to workout. They are concentrating on themselves. Just do it! You will feel so much better that you did.
  • No! I love seeing people's progess at the gym! Seeing the dedication it takes to transform yourself is incredibally inspirational (think of the contestants from The Biggest Loser--they have the entire nation rooting for them!). That's why I love the gym, everyone there is working towards the same goal--health and fitness--everyone is just at a different part of their journey.

    As for the bathing suit, I know how you feel. Of course the goal is to feel better about yourself so you aren't self conscious, and trust me--as you see that weight falling off, the conficence will come! Until then, there are many bathing suits specifically designed to be flattering for women of all shapes, and skirted suits are always helpful! You can also wear your towel or robe until you are just about to get in the water, then remove it quickly and jump in the water (I'm much more confident with water distorting my less-than favorite parts)

    Until you are feeling more confident, try going to the gym at the non-peak hours--late at night, late morning, early afternoon. . .you'll be less likely to encounter as many people in the pool.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    It took me a long time to realise that like me everyone else was too busy covering up and fearing their wobbly bits. I was 21 st 8lb, 305lb when I started, you can do it, now I am a gym regular, part of the main group and have my own little family and bestest friends there who I could never do with out - release fear and try to enjoy - talk to people you'll see they feel the same -no matter their size. Good luck, I believe in you
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    In the words of Dr. Seuss - "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

    Love this!
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    GOOD! You own a suit! Put it on and get in the water. Walking in the water is so good for you and LOTS of people do it. Go to a sporting goods store and get some water shoes, they should run you about 5-10 bucks. Grab a bath size towel and go!!! You must WANT to go to the pool, so just GO!!! DON'T HOLD YOURSELF BACK!!!! It will feel sooooo good. I PROMISE! I started walking in the water about a year ago and I can't tell you how great it feels. No knee pain, no hip pain, no back pain, no foot pain. It's so good!!! OHHHHH GET IN THAT POOOL!!!
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    We have ladies of ALL shapes and sizes in the pool at my gym. There are 110 lb women and 250 lb women. I don't look at any of them and wonder 'what the heck are you doing in a bathing suit?' I just think it's cool they are there instead of on the couch eating Cheetos. It is different in my opinion than if you were to go to a beach. Yes, you would probably get some back looks there, but more than likely it won't be an issue at the gym. Sometimes women (and men) wear a tshirt and shorts into the pool also. It's whatever YOU are comfortable with and who cares what anyone else may think - chances are you will not see the same people very often. My gym has under 500 members. I go there 5-6x a week and there have only been a few times in 4 months that I have seen the same person twice. Who knows... you may even make some friends there that had the same fears as you do when they started.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I understand how you feel and rarely swim for this reason.

    Other forms of exercise allow you to stay much better covered and burn more calories!

    If I do swim then I wear a lycra tennis skirt and a huge teeshirt over my swimsuit which helps
  • Everyone is so worried about what you think of them that they won't even notice what you look like. :)
  • ms78
    ms78 Posts: 37 Member
    I feel the same way sometimes in my swimming costume or even just my gym gear but there are loads of people in the same boat. Before I started going to the gym or swimming I imagined I would stick out like a sore thumb among all these skinny gym people but when I got there I saw that there were all kinds of people there- old, disabled, obese etc and nobody looks twice at anyone elses body. There are a lot of overweight people in the pool every time I go. There is even a water aerobics class which is aimed specifically at overweight people- if you go to that you will find a lot of people in the same situation as you.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Do not worry about it. Believe me if anyone notices you they're thinking 'Good for you, you can do it'.
    That's it.