What do you do, when you don't want to do anything?

I haven't wanted to work out lately, but i know i have to. I do not have access to a gym. What to do? Any workout ideas or things that will keep me interested? Thanks a lot.


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    go for a run/walk outside!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Just start doing it and you'll be glad you did. Get some workout video's. I have a few of Jillian Michaels, Zumba and Active 2 for the PS3. Switching it up makes it a lot easier to stick with. Good Luck!
  • Work out videos. You can pick them up at the library and then if you hate them you don't have to worry about it.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I don't know where you live, but just getting outside and walking is a good start. Try to get a friend to go with you.:flowerforyou:
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Go for a run/walk
    If you have Comcast go to On Demand and do one of the exercise videos
    Go to Target/Walmart/Kmart and buy a cheap workout DVD. Jillian Michael's has plenty under $10 and they are usually a short workout but kick your butt!
  • horaks
    horaks Posts: 124 Member
    I am having this problem as well, I think it is the weather.

    I walk my dog for 20min-we have Comcast so I find 20min Cardio video's-Kickboxing,Zumba belly dancing etc...Then I do work on 30 day shred DVD that I just bought. Hope this helps
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    put on my favorite music and dance around the house like I'm beyonce!!!
  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    Get a set of resistance bands that you can use at home to add strength training to walking/jogging. Some good music helps as well.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Can you try something new? Look for something different online (ExerciseTV, Hulu.com) - or at the library. This usually shakes things up for me.
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    First of all if Im feeling eh about working out - I go to the Success thread and read a bunch that have pics to show the results! There is nothing more motivational than THAT!

    Then I have some vids that I workout to at home - put on some lively music - and have at it!
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    I had been jogging in the evenings, but lately within the last week or so "I haven't felt like it" anymore. What I have found to be an enjoyable alternate is a brisk 30 minute walk while listening to my broad selection of tunes from Pandora Radio. It's just to easy and it works.
  • I go on twitter. . .I follow @runningquotes, @JeanetteJenkins, @WomensHealth, @Shape, @Fitsugar, @MyTrainerBob. . .let me tell you, they're full of motivation!

    I remind myself that I've never regretted *going* to the gym/for a run, but I've *certainly* regretted skipping it.

    I coax myself like I would a child: "Just get up and go for a walk. . .you don't have to run, just walk!" After a few minutes, it's usually "Just run for five minutes" which leads to "Just another 1/4 mile, then you can re-evaluate how you feel and maybe stop then". I've powered through many workouts with that bit of trickery.

    You may want to consider getting a kettlebell, and doing intervals (45 seconds active, rest for 15 seconds) of Kettlebell swings during commercial breaks while you watch TV.
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    I like to walk with an audio book, you could run but then its harder to concentrate on the story gets harad to hear.
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    I like to walk with an audio book, you could run but then its harder to concentrate on the story gets harad to hear.

    oo do they have these for ipods? I wish I had a good book to listen to while I took a walk.
  • deverajeanne
    deverajeanne Posts: 5 Member
    I coax myself like I would a child: "Just get up and go for a walk. . .you don't have to run, just walk!" After a few minutes, it's usually "Just run for five minutes" which leads to "Just another 1/4 mile, then you can re-evaluate how you feel and maybe stop then". I've powered through many workouts with that bit of trickery.

    I use this bit of trickery too. I actually can't believe it works, but it does!