Healthy eating & execising during exams :(

I'm a college student and until recently I've been great with my lifestyle changes. I've exercised, lost weight, ate right-- everthing. But this weekend and next week is midterms for me and it's been a dieting disaster. I haven't had time to exercise, I go tooobg without eating at times and stuff myself at others. I'm really trying to be conscious of it. I try to pick healthy choices but I've had mini deserts 3-4xs this week. Im spending more time sitting down but I make an effort to walk everywhere I go and take the stairs even when I wouldn't have before (4 flights to one of my classes... Yuck) I haven't gained anything besides what I think is a normal flucitation for me, but i haven't lost either. In general o just feel crappy about all of this and I'm afraid I'll revert to my old ways. I have 7-ish days of this left. I don't have an exam tomorrow so I'm going to try to push myself on the treadmill.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to survive this?!?!


  • Honestly, concentrate on maintaining the next week during your stressful time instead of losing. There is no reason to turn to unhealthy foods during a stressful time. You can eat more, just make it healthy. Squeeze in 25 minutes of a high intensity workout or just go for a walk. There's a difference between not losing for a week and going overboard because you're stressed.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Two things:

    1. Plan ahead and stick to it.

    2. Don't let it get you down. If maintaining is the best you can do during finals, then just focus on maintaining. You don't have to lose it overnight, and I find that even when I am doing everything right, I don't really lose when I'm stressed out anyway.

    Good luck!!
  • SephirothsChild15
  • HelloKayla
    HelloKayla Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm a college student as well (grad school) and I totally understand what you mean about midterms. Mine were this week. I was really tempted to skip the gym to study more, but I found that if I just forced myself to go... even if just for like an hour, it actually helped me focus my studies more and helped relieve stress.

    Working out may be the easy part... the hardest part is prob avoiding all the fast food, junk food, candy, sugary drinks, etc. that go along with cramming for exams. Try your hardest to plan what you will eat at the beginning of your day, and stick to it. Plan ahead and pack a protein bar or baby carrots in your book bag. Buy some fresh fruit too... the glucose in grapes always gives me a shot of energy. And drink lots of water!

    I agree with the earlier posters about trying to maintain, rather than lose weight, this week. You're going to do great! Best of luck to you!
