Cardio or Weight lifting?

I want to lose weight and have been doing 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week and weight lifting abuot 15 minutes per week. I'm getting very bored with cardio exercises but I absolutely love lifting weights! Would I still be contributing to my weight loss if I started doing weight lifting 3 times per week for 30 minutes instead of cardio? If I do aerobic weight lifting (at a fast pace) would I burn the same amount of calories as cardio?

Thanks for any input on this subject....


  • jmetevia
    I want to lose weight and have been doing 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week and weight lifting abuot 15 minutes per week. I'm getting very bored with cardio exercises but I absolutely love lifting weights! Would I still be contributing to my weight loss if I started doing weight lifting 3 times per week for 30 minutes instead of cardio? If I do aerobic weight lifting (at a fast pace) would I burn the same amount of calories as cardio?

    Thanks for any input on this subject....
  • christahollis
    The most bare-bones recommendation I've ever heard for weight loss is cardio every day and weightlifing three times a week isolating muscle groups to aviod injury or fatigue (chest and tricep one day, back and bicep the next workout, and legs the final workout of the week).
  • k9powerlifter1
    The only way I see it happening is:

    1.) You can keep your heart-rate at 75% of your max for the duration.


    2.) You don't let yourself start jib jabbering with everyone.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    if you belong to a gym, try a circuit class (interval weights and toning/cardio). I love them. It makes me lift weight (I'd rather have the cardio burn), but depending on who's teaching the class, I get a really good cardio workout too.
  • candessb
    candessb Posts: 52 Member
    CIRCUIT TRAINNING!!! It's my favorite! I feel the same way you do. I love the feeling of weight training, but cardio is so repetative and boaring for me too. If you're unsure how to get started with circuit trainning buy Jillian Michael's The Biggest Winner DVD set w/ "Full Frontal" and "Back in Action" It really gets your heart rate up but you'll be doing weight training at the same time so it doesn't get boaring. Oh and by the way... you do need cardiovascular to strengthen you heart and lungs. You won't get vary far with just fun as it may be. Golden rule: If it sucks, it works!
  • jpketz
    jpketz Posts: 73
    Everyone's different and I'm NOT an expert but I'll pass along what I've heard from people who seem to know their stuff....

    Since resistance training actually keeps your metabolism chugging along at a higher rate for longer period of time after a workout, it's actually a better way to burn calories in the background than just doing cardio. That's why it's typical to see an increased rate of weight loss after you get into a resistance routine.

    Having said that, 15 minutes/session is not long enough to do meaningful weight training. And you may be even risking injury. I've been advised by my trainer to warm-up by doing some form of cardio at 65-70% MHR for at least that long before lifting weight one. Then 30 minutes or so of weights, one large muscle group per session, with at least 24 hours rest between.

    I'm a big believer in the Younger Next Year program, so I do some form of exercise 6-days week, minimum, lifting 2 or 3 of those days and cycling as much as time and weather will allow. On the lifting days I try to warm up with 30 minutes of cardio and be sure to factor in a good static stretch after.

    Anything that isn't sitting on your rear is good, though! So well done, you!
  • Xtracrispy69
    My suggestion is both, now you can choose your session time and number of days a week. I'm typically at the gym for 5-6 days per week, 1 hour tops. 10-15 min of elliptical or cross training, then on to a workout with weights. Now circuit training as mentioned above should be used in the context of a gym and cross training, not a curves style. Curves is great for folks with little to no daily activity and are just getting started. Don't see anyone getting ripped for a joint like that
  • mrhappy
    mrhappy Posts: 145 Member
    I'm sure others may have told you but weight training, or strength training, will not burn the same calories a good cardio workout will. You need both really.

    If the cardio bores you, try and i-Pod: i'm learning a language while I do mine because its "new" and I don't have to hear the same old mix of songs each time I step up the treadclimber (which I'm about to do).

    FYI, I do cardio and strength both every week, and like them both for different reasons - I think you may too. Whatever you do, keep going!
  • markfloyd
    I suggest that you do both also. I do Cardio (Elliptical) every day for no less than 20 minutes. I use a 4 day cycle to work all body parts. My workout time ranges from 50 minutes to 75 minutes according to the body part I'm working. After two cycles I take a day off from weight training and Cardio. I split my training as well. Cardio in the mornings and weight training about 5PM. Typically, unless you perform your cardio at an extreme level, you will only burn calories while your performing the exercise. Weight Training will burn calories for up to about 36 hours after you complete the routine.

    If you don't attend a gym, here is a work out I used several years ago. Get yourself an EZ Curl Bar,they usually weigh about 13-15 lbs, and some weights. Start with a weight that is comfortable and that you can complete all set and reps. Then begin to gradually move up in small increments.

    Lunges or Squats: 1 set of 10 - Place the ez curl bar in the front of your Chest , cross your arms to hold the bar in place and raise it to shoulder level.
    Curls - 1 set of 10
    Upright rows - 1 set of 10
    Triceps extension overhead - 1 set of 10
    Military Press - 1 set of 10
    Bent over row - 1 set of 10

    Go through all six exercises with no rest between. Repeat 3-4 times and build up from there.