Looking for support

I am 30 years old, married with 3 kids. Just looking for some nice ladies to help encourage me :)


  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Join my challenge !!!!!! we are a very encouraging group !!!! we all set our own goals and check in every day. Look on my page at my posts if you are interested it is october challenge.
  • WELCOME!!!:smile:
  • onewhodiets
    onewhodiets Posts: 67 Member
    I joined last week and would love to encourage you. I am 53, work full time, I have two kids and one of them is watching his weight also. We both think this is marvelous tool! I just called my friend and went out for walk, instead of staying home, because I needed to knock off some of the calories I had listed in today's diary! If not for that, i would have stayed home and read! I need to lose weight, because of a health scare, that is really motivating me. I better stop as the battery on this device needs recharging.
  • Yes,

    Looking for the same thing... Add me if you want to. I have one friend in Germany doing it with me. I joined two months ago and then actually forgot about it.... I am just now hitting it hardcore. I have a boy and a girl. I am done having kids and will definitly need support to keep it going. Happy to meet you and share the journey.