i started on this site in january at 130lbs. by april i weighed 125lbs. then i gained a few pounds without changing anything. I went to mexico in april and when i got home i was up to 135lbs. SInce april i got back down to 130lbs. THEN i was stuck. no matter what i did i could not lose. NOW i bought a bodybugg and it says i burn about 2,400-3,200 calories a day. I ALWAYS eat less than what i burn. I workout everyday. i stopped eating after 8pm about a month ago. i used to only eat about 1400 calories a day, but since i got the bodybugg and i see how much more i burn i eat about 1700-2200 calories a day. I started lifting weights more because i was not losing, so i thought i would focus more on toning. I have seen a change in my arms and leg muscle definition, but my stomach will not budge. AND NOW i am up to 134lbs!!!!! what am i doing wrong? if i workout everyday and eat less than what i burn shouldnt i be losing weight? i am a 24yr old and am 5'7. PLEASE HELP ME.... my diary is open


  • LisaMDJ
    LisaMDJ Posts: 18
    It's entirely possible that your body is simply comfortable at that weight. It seems like a healthy weight for your height, so your body is probably protesting weight loss efforts. It seems like if you're burning more calories than you consume, you should be losing weight, but sometimes our bodies don't cooperate! Sorry I can't be of more help.
  • Gwendalyne
    Gwendalyne Posts: 287 Member
    I agree, it maybe that this is the weight for you. I am 5'3 and weigh about 128lbs so w/your height and weight it seems about right.... You may should just focus on toning. So that will shape up your body and replace fat w/muscle. You may want to have your body fat precentage check b/c you may be trying to lose what you don't have to lose i.e. muscle...and you don't want to lose muscles. It also may depend on what kind of eating you are doing....if you are eating clean or not.... The stomach area is the hardest to lose and you have to reshape and tone up that area after a baby...
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    At 5'7" and 130-134 lbs you are exactly at the healthy weight you should be. So your body is going to fight you with every ounce of it's being to not lose anymore weight. Just keep at the strength training and continue to build your muscles and tone your body into an even healthier you. Just remember, muscle is denser than fat so you may continue to stay slim (or even drop some size) but see the scale go up. Though, don't attribute too much to that unless you're doing hardcore lifting and taking supplements for muscle growth. (women just don't pack on muscle like that)
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    i started on this site in january at 130lbs. by april i weighed 125lbs. then i gained a few pounds without changing anything. I went to mexico in april and when i got home i was up to 135lbs. SInce april i got back down to 130lbs. THEN i was stuck. no matter what i did i could not lose. NOW i bought a bodybugg and it says i burn about 2,400-3,200 calories a day. I ALWAYS eat less than what i burn. I workout everyday. i stopped eating after 8pm about a month ago. i used to only eat about 1400 calories a day, but since i got the bodybugg and i see how much more i burn i eat about 1700-2200 calories a day. I started lifting weights more because i was not losing, so i thought i would focus more on toning. I have seen a change in my arms and leg muscle definition, but my stomach will not budge. AND NOW i am up to 134lbs!!!!! what am i doing wrong? if i workout everyday and eat less than what i burn shouldnt i be losing weight? i am a 24yr old and am 5'7. PLEASE HELP ME.... my diary is open

    You do not need to lose any more weight. That height and weight are perfect. Especially if you are toning and gaining muscle. Your body is happy where its at :-) Plus the more muscle you gain you will gain some lbs. The scale isnt the only thing to gauge your body by. Toning, muscle mass, sculpting, being healthy - those are more important and it seems your body is telling you that you are doing a great job and dont need to lose any more.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    At 5'7" and 130-134 lbs you are exactly at the healthy weight you should be. So your body is going to fight you with every ounce of it's being to not lose anymore weight. Just keep at the strength training and continue to build your muscles and tone your body into an even healthier you. Just remember, muscle is denser than fat so you may continue to stay slim (or even drop some size) but see the scale go up. Though, don't attribute too much to that unless you're doing hardcore lifting and taking supplements for muscle growth. (women just don't pack on muscle like that)
    i do not take any supplements but i do try to lift heavy. heavy for me anyway. if it is not muscle then what is it from. if i am burning more than i am eating should i lose?
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    I honestly think you've gained muscle and it just weighs more. Have you been taking pictures or measurements of yourself to track progress that way? I was doing a lot more strength training and my weight was staying about the same, thought for sure I hit a plateau but then I got the stomach flu. Yeah everyone loses weight when they get the flu but I lost and I'm still losing now that I'm better. I just haven't been back to strength training yet and I think I'm losing muscle. I don't look better though, muscle definition made me look thinner but made the numbers on the scale go up. So thank god I don't have a scale ;)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Stay off the scale for a while dear. While lifting your body retains more water.
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    What's your goal weight? If you're 5'7" and around 130-135 lbs, I assume you're close to your goal weight. I'm the same height as you and it was a huge, slow struggle with the last 5-10 pounds. It took me longer to lose the last 5 pounds than it had to lose the previous 20.

    Also, if you're training every day, including a lot of weights, everyone's very right in that you could have more muscle mass. Is your size the same or larger than when you were 125lbs?

    If you really do want to take off a few more pounds, you'll probably have to cut more calories. You might want to aim for a net of around 1500-1700 per day and not eat back so many exercise calories. Your weight loss will probably still only be around 1/3 to 1/2 lbs per week, though. At least, that was my experience. It was really slow going!

    Good luck!
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Look into cyclical eating, which is essentially staggering/messing with your macro counts and not keeping them even, cyclical eating is one tried and true way of getting some of those lbs to budge off, google is your friend. :)