What to do in a pig out mood :-(

This sucks. I had a friend over tonight and her kids are very picky eaters so I made home made mac n cheese and cheese pizza........with veggies on the side of course. It has been such a busy day with work and then that and then we took them down to a community pary that was happening and now I'm home with ds in bed and dh working late...........and I want to pig-out. You know that kind of relieve the stress pig-out with all the leftovers.
I know everyone's first thought is throw the left overs out but it was expensive to make and dh and ds can eat them tomorrow - my problem is NOW.
What does everyone do when you get in that 'collapse on the couch and eat' frame of mind that I used to give in to.........every night.


  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Brush your teeth with strong minty toothpaste.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Eat something else, that is more calorie wise and high in fiber to fill you up, or drink tea if your already over in cals, take a walk, sit on the porch, get fresh air, call a friend.
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    I'm going to brush my teeth and have some gum right now......good idea.........thanks
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    Mmmmmm.....tea. That sounds good. I think I'll make a cup and sit out on the porch in the cool fall air.
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    Mmmmmm.....tea. That sounds good. I think I'll make a cup and sit out on the porch in the cool fall air.
  • fit4travels
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I just had to deal with the binge thoughts today. I actually had to negotiate with my brain and go over why I wanted to binge and what would happen if i did. Have you ever tried to talk yourself out of it while looking at yourself in the mirror? It may not work for you but when I looked at myself today in the store's window, the binge thoughts got really quiet...
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I love their ideas, I like tea at night, black tea/soy milk :) or just drink water then go right to sleep.
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    I was so close to going out for mexican tonight. I warmed up an Amy's frozen enchilada meal instead. It really satisfied my craving! I hope you make it through the night under your calorie goal!!
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    two2getready......so far I'm 82 cals under my goal and I'm holding firm. I just can't get over how supportive MFP is - there's really nothing else like it out there.
    And good for you on your choice tonight - I love Amy's enchildadas.
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for the bump :-)
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    Good for you. That would definitely be motivation for me too. I just thought...........after I brushed my teeth........I have spent the last 8 years doing whatever I want food-wise. Now is the time to make up for that and pay for it. Eating that food is going to do NOTHING for me other than make me tired and miserable. Hmmm........maybe that's it - maybe what I really want is a sedative in life - lol.
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    memphismyluv..........it's amazing coming on MFP..........these are things I never would've thought of and they actually worked. I'm sipping my tea with fresh breath and I'm going to go to bed in about 15 mins 82 cals under my goal. Yeah!!
    Thanks for the support.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    3-1oz turkey meatballs. 1 oz part skim mozzarella. 1/4 cup Spaghetti sauce. About 260 cals. Beats my cravings for pizza and spaghetti.
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    I just had to deal with the binge thoughts today. I actually had to negotiate with my brain and go over why I wanted to binge and what would happen if i did. Have you ever tried to talk yourself out of it while looking at yourself in the mirror? It may not work for you but when I looked at myself today in the store's window, the binge thoughts got really quiet...

    ^^This. Talking to yourself and asking questions is a great way to figure yourself and your weaknesses out. Our rational minds are a bit more reasonable than our hungry little egos. Ask yourself why you want to eat...what do you think it will do for you, etc...

    May help prevent a binge and give you an extra push toward success.

    I realize that this issue was last night, but I couldn't help myself :bigsmile: