New and Happy to Try this out!

Hi Everyone,

I hadn't introduced myself. I just started this program on Monday and I am already enjoying it. I know that it will not always be easy or as enjoyable but I know that at the end the results will be worth it. I'm ready to lose weight and fit back into my old clothes. I'm happy to see all the support and encouragement that members give each other. I can't wait to share my success story with you guys!


  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I recently re-started this journey myself! Can't wait to hear your success story either :)
  • leese559
    leese559 Posts: 23 Member
    welcome!!! i have been on this site for almost 4 weeks i think and started the day my work began a weight loss challenge I have found this site to be very helpful and I love using it! good luck to you and hopefully we can help each other on this journey!
  • Question for both of you: How are you liking it so far?