two a days (curious here)

i workout in mornings, then run every afternoon, or do some kind of cardio. this has been working great for me

i know guys who workout twice a day every other day.. i know your muscles need time to heal, and rebuild, but its hard to understand this concept when these guys are completely jacked! who really knows the truth out there??


  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Why don't you ask the jacked guys? I'm sure they'll tell you all about the steroids they're doing.

    No, seriously, you want to get big? Eat more and HYPERTROPHY TRAINING. If you're not blasting away at those weights, I mean really isolating muscle groups, then you better turn to God for bigger muscles. AMEN BABY.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Or ask me in two months, I'll be up there with my new routine.
  • ChristinaK42
    Seriously! Have you seen the military guys after 6 weeks of bootcamp? I don't think they take time off for rest and they turn out pretty buff.
  • athleanguy
    Sometimes ill do abs or maybe cardio and go and do my strength training later that day but it all comes down to listening to your body. It will tell you if it needs rest...seriously. Strength training combined with some cardio in the same day is ok but dont make a habit out of it every day. Take a day or 2 off a week. And when you do workout twice a day be sure you are supplying your body with adequite amount of protein,carbs,fats etc so your body is not burning muscle for fuel. Carbs are your friend
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    very much agreed.. protein & carbs are my best friends! lol
    and i also do take one or two days off for my muscles to rest
    Sometimes ill do abs or maybe cardio and go and do my strength training later that day but it all comes down to listening to your body. It will tell you if it needs rest...seriously. Strength training combined with some cardio in the same day is ok but dont make a habit out of it every day. Take a day or 2 off a week. And when you do workout twice a day be sure you are supplying your body with adequite amount of protein,carbs,fats etc so your body is not burning muscle for fuel. Carbs are your friend