Haven't lost weight for almost 3 months?

I haven't plateaued, I just fluctuate between 63-65kgs. I usually eat below 1200 on the weekdays and maybe about 1300-1400 on the weekends but I usually net around 600 everyday. So what's happening? Thanks


  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    'i usually net arounf 600 everyday' - thats the problem me thinks...
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Are you 200% CERTAIN that you only net 600? Because if that is correct then you need to sell your body to science as it is defying the laws of thermodynamics.

    People will tell you about starvation mode, and yes it may have dented your metabolism. But eventually thermodynamics wins out and it would only slow weight loss, not prevent it.

    Most people overestimate calories burned in exercise and underestimate what they eat. Are you logging religiously?
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    You aren't eating enough. Try eating a NET of at least 1200
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    maybe u should increase your exercise , or that might just be a comfortable weight for you
  • kahavi
    kahavi Posts: 35
    Based on your diary, you are not eating enough, but rather starving your body right now. Basically, by not eating your daily allotment of calories plus at least a part of the calories you've earned from exercising, you've allowed your body to enter "storage mode" since you're not providing your body with enough fuel to maintain and protect muscle mass. Chances are that right now your body has a higher fat percentage than it should, and your muscles are either suffering or downright diminishing.

    My suggestion would be, eat more and allow your body to have the fuel to burn away the fat, not the muscles.
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    In addition to the sound advice already given, I would suggest going back to basics - weigh everything, make sure you drink enough water, don't guestimate anything.

    In addition, however, I would also look at your exercise pattern and see if there are some changes you can make to increase the intensity of your workouts - it could be that your body has become accustomed to the current routine and is more efficient at dealing with what you are throwing at it. I try to switch thing about every 6 weeks or so as I become fitter and more efficient at what I am currently doing. Even if this means just dancing to your favourite tunes for an hour! Or doing more resistence to cardio or vice versa or adding extra weights. Going to an aerobics class instead of doing a fitness DVD. Raking leaves. List is pretty endless.

    With this, ensure that you eat enough to fuel your workouts properly - you will then get the results you are looking for.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Here is a quote from Lyle Mcdonald who knows his stuff!!

    "And before somone jumps down my throat, make no mistake, I have occasionally seen some very strange things happen usually when there is some underlying major biological FUBAR. But those are NOT the majority.

    But in most cases where someone 'can't lose fat regardless of deficit and activity', the truth is that they are:

    a. overestimating activity
    b. understimating true food intake (mis-measuring, not talking about the binges,etc.)
    c. being impatient and having true fat loss masked by water retention

    And 'c', and this is discussed on teh main site, is a huge issue for women. A woman who retains 10 lbs of water may not see a moderate diet deficit 'working' for 5-10 weeks. And since she'll probably get frustrated long before that and give up, it's easy to draw screwy conclusions."

    People will try to quote the Minnesota starvation study where men's metabolic rate fell by a cited 40%. What they don't add is that 25% of that was attributed to the lower body weight, and only 15% to real decrease in metabolism.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    Your body is in starvation mode. You need to eat more.
    The same thing happened to me, but, I ate more and did cardio. I ate back most of my calories.
  • Charrah
    Charrah Posts: 60
    Here is a quote from Lyle Mcdonald who knows his stuff!!

    "And before somone jumps down my throat, make no mistake, I have occasionally seen some very strange things happen usually when there is some underlying major biological FUBAR. But those are NOT the majority.

    But in most cases where someone 'can't lose fat regardless of deficit and activity', the truth is that they are:

    a. overestimating activity
    b. understimating true food intake (mis-measuring, not talking about the binges,etc.)
    c. being impatient and having true fat loss masked by water retention

    And 'c', and this is discussed on teh main site, is a huge issue for women. A woman who retains 10 lbs of water may not see a moderate diet deficit 'working' for 5-10 weeks. And since she'll probably get frustrated long before that and give up, it's easy to draw screwy conclusions."

    People will try to quote the Minnesota starvation study where men's metabolic rate fell by a cited 40%. What they don't add is that 25% of that was attributed to the lower body weight, and only 15% to real decrease in metabolism.

    Excellent post. Nice to read some logic re: 'Starvation mode' etc.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    As a general comment on what you're eating too, how about having a decent breakfast, and try to get some more fresh fruit and veg in your diet? Making some changes could really help. It looks like you're not eating much fresh stuff at all, and quite a lot of processed food.
  • mizfrankie
    I completely agree!
    Here is a quote from Lyle Mcdonald who knows his stuff!!

    "And before somone jumps down my throat, make no mistake, I have occasionally seen some very strange things happen usually when there is some underlying major biological FUBAR. But those are NOT the majority.

    But in most cases where someone 'can't lose fat regardless of deficit and activity', the truth is that they are:

    a. overestimating activity
    b. understimating true food intake (mis-measuring, not talking about the binges,etc.)
    c. being impatient and having true fat loss masked by water retention

    And 'c', and this is discussed on teh main site, is a huge issue for women. A woman who retains 10 lbs of water may not see a moderate diet deficit 'working' for 5-10 weeks. And since she'll probably get frustrated long before that and give up, it's easy to draw screwy conclusions."

    People will try to quote the Minnesota starvation study where men's metabolic rate fell by a cited 40%. What they don't add is that 25% of that was attributed to the lower body weight, and only 15% to real decrease in metabolism.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Try to make sure your calorie total equals your daily goal

    Also, start tracking your sodium.... it may be high... try to keep it as close to 1500mg a day
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    Your diary says you ate 12g of tuna and 15g of cereal today. Wouldn't that be like 3 teaspoons of each?! That is hardly a meal. My guess is that you're not logging correctly and if you are then WHOA.

    ETA - just looked further back. You've logged 5g of tuna and 20g of potato wedges. That is about 1 teaspoon of tuna and maybe 1 wedge! I had 100g of chips/wedges the other day and there were maybe 6 on my plate - depressing!! :laugh: