favorite filling cereal?

Hi I need some ideas on favorite cereals. I heard Kashi Go lean is good, but there are several of those out there. What are other good choices??


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Cocoa Pebbles, all forms of Cheerios (cinnamon burst and chocolate are good), Choc pb Puffins are pretty good as well
  • emandbensmom
    I am addicted to Kashi Go Lean Toasted Berry Crumble. High in fiber and protein for a ceral and delicious. My 13 year old daughter laughs at me because I call it dessert, but it tastes that good to me.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I love Kashi Heart to Heart!
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I think the best ones are Cascadian Organic. They are priced around $3 dollars a box even at walmart. They make healthy adult cereals and kids cereals all organic with no processed sugar. Check them out. They are WAY better than Kashi.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Kashi Toasted Berry Crumble................it's crack............eat in moderation ..............i repeat it's crack
  • Smithdawnm
    I really like Kashi Go Crunch. I eat it one of two ways: with almond milk, or mixed into plain greek yogurt with a little honey. The second way will keep you full for hours!
  • melyfitserrano
    I mix Kashi Golean Crunch almond flax honey (1 cup) with 1 cup of the Kashi soy protein, twigs..etc (is the highest in protein), and 1 cup of almond milk, for less than 400 calories in themorning. That is what I am having now! Over 20 grams of protein and lots of fiber and it is very filling!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Cheerios. You get to eat a TON for such few calories!!
  • jenn_copeland
    jenn_copeland Posts: 2 Member
    Fiber bran one cereal... it has 53% of fiber... excellent for weight loss. Taste great.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I'm a Kashi Go Lean Crunch addict. The regular Go Lean is like eating woodchips compared to the sweet, crunchy goodness of Go Lean Crunch.
  • JohnFurie
    Lately I have been loving Honey bunches of Oats, I get the big economy bag an Costco and it lasts for a while...
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Kelloggs all bran. You can put fruit of your choice in it so good. It's also good in yogurt and I put it in my oatmeal .I want to make the all bran muffins.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    F-Factor Mini Cinnamon O’s cereal: http://www.ffactor.com/products/detail/mini_cinnamon_os
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    Cereal never filled me up and I would end up having 3-4 bowls each time...I switched to oatmeal and it "sticks to my ribs" better.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Oatmeal ftw.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    When I eat cold cereals I am another Kashi Go lean Crunch fan, I add low fat milk and a few semi sweet chocolate chips thrown in.

    Usually though, I prefer warm Steel cut oats with some flavored protein powder, maybe a bit of peanut butter mixed in, with a bit of milk, and sweeter of choice
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks so much for the ideas. I went to the store and got two - heart to heart and go lean crisp. I just had the crisp, with almond milk. OMG YUMMY!!!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I love cereal! Right now I am hooked on Cascadian Farms Chocolate O's. I know, I know...probably not the best choice, but they are yummy :) I like plain ol' Cheerios as well. Kashi Heart to Heart is another fave.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    Hi I need some ideas on favorite cereals. I heard Kashi Go lean is good, but there are several of those out there. What are other good choices??

    I love the kashi cereals, go lean and go learn crunch are both tasty. When I want sweeter cereal I eat life or life cinnamon.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    On a side note no one should be using non fat or low fat milk to lose weight..I learned this the other day from a doctor and a naturopath. Whole or raw milk if any milk. Low fat and non fat milk uses a powdered milk mixed with water and it tricks your body and ramps up extra unneeded glucose in the body. The other milks such as almond coconut and rice the best of the three with the least amount of excess sugar added is coconut.