Lapbanders are not taking the easy way out...

Why is it that my weight loss doesn't get the credit it deserves because people know i had lapband. let me just say- the lapband is not easy. It's an extreme tool but it's not a fix all. it doesn't do the work for you. so let me give you my story...

Lapband done on 3/24/09
Highest weight: 240 lbs.

I worked hard and lost 55 October, 2009. My last fill was September, 2009. I then I successfully tricked the lapband for about 10 months and actually gained about 10 lbs from October to March, 2010. I was up to 195 lbs.

In March, i found out i was pregnant with my daughter and was thrilled. the lapband didn't affect my pregnancy in any way. i ate right my whole pregnancy and only gained about 18 lbs throughout. so --- thank goodness for breastfeeding. got back down to my pre-prego weight in 4 months.

BUT my daughter is 10 months now. i've lost an additional 20 lbs with exercise and eating right. i am 175 lbs. i've never been that low of a weight in my adult life. not even as a teenager did i ever get to 175 lbs. Also, if you notice, i haven't had a fill since September, 2009! More than 2 years later!

So that's the end of my rant. i'm just tired of "you look great! oh that's right you had that surgery..."


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I get that same flack about my gastric bypass surgery! It was only a tool like MFP. I bust my butt exercising and eating right. It only works if you are willing to make the changes necessary for good health.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    congrats on the weight loss.

    people are going to have different opinions.
    running a marathon, and riding a bike 26.2 miles are two different things.
    both are an accomplishment, both take dedication, but one was easier.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    I don't think this is the easy way out

    I applaud you both for your weight loss success

    I work with alot of these patients and the only thing that bothers me is the ones who think it IS an easy way out. They have the surgery ..... abide by the diet for a time...and then eventually go back to eating and living the way they were before surgery and it can reverse itself.
  • withtheband
    Easy way out my @ss! It's been a month since mine had been filled appropriately. The 2 years prior were hellish. Got food stuck, hellish. Hours of vomiting slime... hellish! It's a lot of work to feel full sooner than normal. The band is a tool and it's up to the user to make it work. Anyone who feefeels the band is the easy way out must be uneducated as to what the band is all about or dare I say jealous. Everyone knows gastric bypass is the easy way out, not lap band. ;) Kidding.
  • PrettyLittleLiar79
    I know how you feel. I had the Lap-Band June 30, 2010. I lost about 60 lbs. And now at a stand still for the last 5 months. I am now trying to workout and count calories.....It is a tool, but not a fix.

    I have had problems with my fills off and on, but I think that is because my Doctor is an idiot.

    I don't regret ever getting it tho, I love my band and sadly I love the pain I have when I eat too fast...It is a reminder to slow down.

    Feel free to add me if you like, I would love to have more insight from you, as I am STILL learning the do's and dont's
  • PrettyLittleLiar79
    Easy way out my @ss! It's been a month since mine had been filled appropriately. The 2 years prior were hellish. Got food stuck, hellish. Hours of vomiting slime... hellish! It's a lot of work to feel full sooner than normal. The band is a tool and it's up to the user to make it work. Anyone who feefeels the band is the easy way out must be uneducated as to what the band is all about or dare I say jealous. Everyone knows gastric bypass is the easy way out, not lap band. ;) Kidding.

    So true!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    People can be *kitten*,having know a few who have had the surgery it is very hard. By no means an "easy" way out
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Thank you for speaking your mind!

    I feel less worthy about my NSV's and weight loss because I chose to have gastric by-pass. People are so judgemental it doesn't matter how or what got you on the right path of a healthier life style, the point is people are making changes in thier life.

    Bariatirc procedures are not a quick fix, or a solution. Only a tool to help aid you in your journey. You have to go through a lot to even be approved for these procedures.

    I work very hard exercising every day. I watch what I eat. I even measure out my peanut butter in grams on a scale while I am at work. I take this very seriously. Maybe a little too much at times.

    There is NO EASY WAY OUT when it comes to weight loss!!!!! It all boils down to portion control, healthy food choices, and exercise!!!!
  • CSelf1
    CSelf1 Posts: 431 Member
    People that think lapband is the easy way are ignorant and uneducated but sadly still entitled to their own opinion. If they would take the time to find out more about the procedure and the story behind the person that has had it done, then maybe they would understand. Unfortunately, too many people rush to judgment without having all of the facts. I agree that some people that actually have the surgery fall into that category as well. They go in thinking it's an easy fix and the weight will just fall off...FALSE! Lapband is NOT gastric and while you may initially drop 20+ lbs. from being on a liquid diet in the beginning, the ONLY way for it to truly work is to make a life change and be committed. The band is essentially just a jumpstart tool, truly no different, in my eyes, than someone hiring a personal trainer. Say I worked out my entire life but could never get the body I wanted no matter how hard I felt I tried. Would someone frown upon me for then hiring a PT to help me and show me a different way? I don't think so...I still would have to be the one putting in the hard work and dedication and I would have to monitor my food on my own. If I choose to workout with the PT but then go home and eat nothing but junk, I'm not going to see any results. Same thing with the still have to put in all of the work, sometimes even a bit more. There is nothing easy about it and I commend anyone who has had it done and is following through with the commitment to a complete lifestyle change.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    gay chula, my former post to a poster who said it was a " cop out" and taking " the easy way out" I replied to it as a life saving decision

    I have nothing but sincere respect to anyone who does what it takes to save their life........whether its getting a membeship to a gym, using a nicotine patch to stop smoking, going to a rehab clinic to get off of drugs or alcohol.......what ever it takes to save teir lives.........

    I read that nasty comment and and then I replied that she was being callous....

    Good for you and the rest of the group for saving your life..................My hats off to you..............Lloyd
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    My only negative outlook on the lapband and the gastric surgery (mostly the surgery) is that you don't get the adequate nutrients and calories the body needs and so the body starts to eat itself, causing weightloss. You loose muscle mass because that's what your body starts eating from lack of diet, and put the body thru... I guess shock would be a good word.

    I've heard that Lapband is less stressful on the body b/c of the adjusting of the band for food intake and of course not having parts of your body removed.

    Please don't think I think less of ANYONE who has done these things. I pray that in doing so everyone has started a very healthy diet to keep the body happy and healthy. And getting all the proper check ups too! I know it's not my body, but it always makes me a nervous reck.

    I hope that everyone continues on their paths with open hearts and minds. Not everyone is going to support and encourage, and that's ok. Keep the ones who do close, and disregard the ones who don't. B/c at the end of the day it is what you and God decide that is right.

    God Bless!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I think feeling sick or feeling full after eating one oz of food is easier then us that just have to say no to chocolat or step away from the table. That being said, if you feel like you made the right decision for yourself, why do you care what everyone else think? Me for exemple. I have been a surrogate mother 4 times!!!! For some, I am an uterine wh0re, for others, an angel. While those who think that I did something great is really nice., those who say that I am going to hell have no impact on my life and how I feel about what I did.

    Are you happy with your decision? Then held your head high, sadely not everyone is going to agree but don't let them have an impact on how you feel.

    P.S. Great job on the weight lost :)
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    I am absolutely proud of my accomplishment - it just stinks that others can't be proud of me too. or think that this accomplishment is any less than a product of hard work.

    and it's not like i'm beating myself up over what people think. i'm trying to shed some light as to how this process really works. instead of making judgments on ill-based misconceptions, try to have an open mind and be slower to judge. (i'm talking to people who judge not necessarily you, the reader).

    i appreciate the support from this group!! i love MFP and i regard it as a tool as important as my band.
  • bustout321
    Anyone who thinks it's the easy way out is completely wrong. Many people including myself that are obese and have been since childhood have inherited the gene. No one that is obese chose to be and for the most part it's a life of depression, being bullied, teased and losing out on life. I was sick of going up and down, missing out on my daughter’s life and decided to live!! I was banded Oct 12th 2011
    Just my .02
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Just because people don't know much about it, I think. The average person probably has no idea about any of the difficulties. They think you just have a procedure and then you lose weight without trying.
  • GrammyDiane
    I agree totally! I am having the lap band done three weeks from today and know firsthand how hard the work is to prepare for the surgery, as well as for life after the band. As the leader of our support group says, weight loss surgery is not brain surgery! We still have to face the "food demons" and the emotional challenges that we so many times turned to food to deal with before.

    The band is a tool, as many have already stated. It will help us to know when we are full - (I don't honestly know if I can say I ever have been truly hungry. All too often I've kept eating until I was stuffed and so uncomfortable.) Now I will feel full sooner and if I don't listen to my body and my band, I will probably throw up! That isn't an easy way out by any means!

    Take joy in every accomplishment, whether a scale victory or a non-scale victory. Be proud that you are doing something to improve your health and don't let the naysayers get to you. YOU are the one doing the hard work necessary!!!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    my step mom in law ruined my opinion of gastric bypassers-she was completely capable to exercise and eat right but was too flipping lazy-she got the bypass so she could eat crap and lose weight. she stays sick constantly now because she isn't getting any vitamins or nutrients she needs and then whines because she doesn't feel good. It disgusts me.

    Now, for those of you who tried everything else and did the band or bypass-at least you tried and i'm sure you are following your Drs nutrition requests, and THAT is something to be proud of!
  • bustout321
    Troll, this is why I went with the Lapband. You do not have the nutrition issues and as much access skin as you lose slower and more healthy. Yea anyone who get WLS and still chooses to east crap is just plain crazy! To go thru any WLS and do that to yourself is beyond me.. Anyway, my lapband is a miracle for me and I can't wait for a year from now ! Thanks for sharing
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    If any of you reading this have not had the lap band surgery, I would encourage you avoid it if at all possible.

    While lap band surgery is not quite as invasive as some weight loss surgeries, it has it's share of complications:
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    If any of you reading this have not had the lap band surgery, I would encourage you avoid it if at all possible.

    While lap band surgery is not quite as invasive as some weight loss surgeries, it has it's share of complications:

    All surgeries have complications. I almost died due to a hernia surgery. Spent 3 days in ICU and a total of 7 days in the hospital. Even was put on Dialysis.

    When I had my lap band surgery I was up and moving the same day. I have never looked back and never regretted my decision to have the surgery and change my life.

    The complications of diabetes (which I no longer have) far outweighed the complications of the surgery!