Hello.... Very new

Hello Everyone! I'm sooooo freakin excited I found this site! I have contemplated joining WW online but was always hesitant about spending the money, Its not excatly cheap. And then... here she is for free! I use this site every day, all day, I'm so addicted. It's only been 3 days lol but I'm very hopeful this will help me.
Okay so alittle bit about myself... My name is Jennifer, 27 years old, In a loving relationship, and had a baby boy 14 months ago today! (wow, can't believe he's so big already). At a point I only had 9lbs to lose to be my pre pregnancy weight and then we got our own place which is good but about 3 months flew by and I had gained 15/20lbs! My goals right now are to lose 30lbs (I will be 5lbs less then my pre pregnancy weight), and just feel good in my clothes. This extra weight is very uncomfortable.

I'm so confident this site can help and I look forward to meeting my goals and friends too!


  • RLW0930
    RLW0930 Posts: 32 Member
    Great job Jennifer! I too have become addicted to MFP. It's an awesome way to keep track of what you are actually eating, and makes you think twice before putting anything in your mouth!! Don't get my wrong, I'm far from the perfect eater, but do force myself to plug in EVERYTHING that I have to hold myself responsible. Hang in there and good luck!
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site full of supportive people. Glad you've joined us. Good luck on your goal and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • SweetChilly
    SweetChilly Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Jennifer! Welcome to the site. I just joined up a few weeks ago and I love it already. Lost 2 pounds even! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • CuteEllais
    CuteEllais Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome! I'm about a month in and STILL "addicted" to it. BUT I've lost 4 lbs this last month and there were days that well, I was NOT good. Good luck!
  • Thanks ladies! I'm super pumped and really going to work hard to keep my positive outlook, and keep plugging in the numbers!

    Enjoy your day!

    xox - Jennifer