off and eating

today's my first day at logging in my food intake and it is alittle sobering, I've already had my total calories and half my day is barely over!


  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    While it's very important to know how many calories you are bringing in, it's more important to take a look at where those calories are coming from. If losing weight was as easy as eat less, move more we'd all be thin. It's a combination of having enough calories but not too many, keeping physically active, and having foods that nourish your mind, body, and soul.
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    MFP is quite an eye-opener :bigsmile:
  • ShelleyD81
    ShelleyD81 Posts: 237 Member
    For the first few days I logged what I would normally eat in a day and I was way over! but I did it on purpose just to see how bad my diet was before.
    Start the day afresh tomorrow, use it as a learning experience.
    Feel free to add me if you think I can help support you (& vice versa) :smile:
  • I've been logging calories for almost 3 weeks now, and I always go over. Usually because of dinner and snacks. But one thing I did before I joined myfitnesspal in order to regulate my calories was I divided the day into 3 parts. 6 am to noon, noon to 6 pm, and 6pm to 9pm. I took 2 weeks and focused on reducing calorie intake from 6 am to noon. (400 allowed). Then I didn't count calories the rest of the day. The next two weeks after, I added noon to 6pm in which I kept calories to 400, and didn't count after 6pm. Once my body was used to only 800-900 calories before dinner, I then allowed only 500 calories from 6 to 9pm.
    I felt that I had to break it down into phases and take the time to adjust. It is amazing how calories add up. A simple protein bar can throw off my day.
  • chinkeyes
    chinkeyes Posts: 5 Member
    @CassarahW- so true, I threw out or ate :blushing: alot of the junk in the house to get rid of temptation but today at work they had boxes and boxes of donuts, it's amazing how many calories 12 little donut holes have.
    @gailfroglog- I'll be trying to split my calories into 6 "meals" in a day. I was allotted 1700 calories, doesn't seem like much but am glad that I can earn some with excerise.
    @ShelleyD81- new to this, so I don't know how supportive I can be, thanks. btw, tomorrow is the weekend, it'll be even tougher.