Evening Eating?

KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
My schedule puts me in a bit of a bind. I leave for work at 7:30am and between work & the gym, usually don’t get home until between 8 and 9:30pm. I pack my food for each day the night before and take it in a lunch box. However, after exercise (which I do after work), I am usually in a calorie deficit of anywhere between 500 & 800 calories. I don’t want to eat my exercise calories before I actually exercise just in case something comes up and my workout get canceled or changed.

I suppose my question is: if I eat 500 or more calories at 9 or 10 pm (I usually go to bed between 11 & 12), but still stay below my calorie goal, will that food turn into fat? I know, it’s kind of a silly question, but I have heard/read many different opinions about it and want to know what is correct. The alternative to eating the calories late in the evening would be to not eat them at all, which I sometimes do without really feeling hungry.


  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    This topic is pretty black and white : you will either get that it does not matter when you consume calories, or never eat at night. I am on your side- I eat anywhere from 400-900 calories at night (after 8) because I am not hungry during the day. Has not had any bad effects on me yet. The only downfall I see from it is weighing in in the A.M. is not the best time- I usually do mid-day
  • purplebabe2025
    purplebabe2025 Posts: 383 Member
    I'm no expert but I heard that your best to eat up to an hour after you finish training as your body will burn it off. Hope that's correct and helpful.
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    Its just my opinion but I can't see how the time should influence it. If were having a meal and then going straight to bed, you could argue that you're not giving your body a chance to burn it off. But as you're going to bed 3 hours later, that would make it the same as if you had your dinner at 7 and went to bed at 10.

    As I said, this is just my opinion. I'm no expert and would like to know myself.
  • MDfour
    MDfour Posts: 20

    It's a myth. You can eat at night if you have calories to spare.
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    Eat your highest calorie foods immediately after working out as you will burn it faster. I know up to 2 hours after a hard cardio workout I still continue to burn calories at a rapid speed (I wear a HRM). Make sure you get a good amount of protein after that workout!
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    my boot camp instructor tells us that after a workout, especially an intense one, you will continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours... eating at night was a concern for me as well- I do bootcamp from 5:30-6:30 and can't even imagine eating until at least 7:30- but the trainer said I should be fine!!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    What I have read says, primary weight loss is simple math. Eat less than you burn. But you can help your body burn more by eating at the right times. As long as you are up for three hours after your last meal your body has done the bulk of digesting the meal and can work at burning fat during the night. If you eat and go to bed, your body spends more than three hours digesting your meal (because your metabolism slows when you sleep) leaving less time to burn stored fat. For some people who have acid reflux or other sleeping disorders it is a bad idea to sleep and digest at the same time.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    My schedule puts me in a bit of a bind. I leave for work at 7:30am and between work & the gym, usually don’t get home until between 8 and 9:30pm. I pack my food for each day the night before and take it in a lunch box. However, after exercise (which I do after work), I am usually in a calorie deficit of anywhere between 500 & 800 calories. I don’t want to eat my exercise calories before I actually exercise just in case something comes up and my workout get canceled or changed.

    I suppose my question is: if I eat 500 or more calories at 9 or 10 pm (I usually go to bed between 11 & 12), but still stay below my calorie goal, will that food turn into fat? I know, it’s kind of a silly question, but I have heard/read many different opinions about it and want to know what is correct. The alternative to eating the calories late in the evening would be to not eat them at all, which I sometimes do without really feeling hungry.
    Nope. You body works pretty much the same 24 hours around the clock.
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    I eat a full dinner later at night as well for schedule reasons, it has not caused any problems for me.