Depression and weight loss

Any advice for someone battling the two? Is SO hard when ALL you want to do is eat, and you REALLY cant be bothered to go out to the gym!


  • april0985
    Getting to the gym is the first step then you'll start to feel great! You should make plans to go to a group fitness class with a friend and then that way you can't back out of going...pretty soon you'll be addicted and feeling awesome
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Excersize REALLY helps fight depression... even just a little of it. Also helps with focus which can help with the depression.
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    Yes but it is difficult to know where to start, i suffered with depression for many years so i can really relate to your situation. If you would like to discuss feel free to send me a message on here.


  • ashleybromley
    I am struggling with aniexty... I have 3 small children under the age of 5... between working full-time and a husband working and going to school we don't have time.... the med that the doc put me on.... makes you gain weight.... I am struggling also...

    This time last year I was 31lbs lighter... I want to get back to that point :0)
  • chrisred1970
    chrisred1970 Posts: 1 Member
    Sometimes when it feels like a difficult start for me, I'll choose a walk outside. Even a short one - doesn't matter the speed - just get outdoors with the daylight for at least 30 min. Keep true to that each day and the depression will lessen and hopefully encourage you to do more. Vitamin D is a big help along with the exercise....:smile:
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    It isn't easy, and I'm sorry that you have to battle depression. I would recommend that you try hard to get out of the house, if you have a close friend that can provide support and go with you that would be best.
    Water is a huge help for me when I start spiraling down, so if you like to swim head for the pool and just let yourself go for a bit. Hopefully that should help to put things back in place and you'll be able to find the strength to keep working out.
    Going to the gym is a two-punch solution, first it helps to distract and pull me out of my spiral, and second I know if I really bust my *kitten* in there, it is going to be okay for me to have that small bowl of ice cream.
    Usually though, I have to find a way to pull myself out of myself (if that makes sense) before I have the willpower to workout. Loud music, hot showers, reminding myself that if I go to the gym they will watch my kids for 90 minutes so I can have some alone time, these things are usually good kickers for me.
    *hugs from across the interwebs* You can do this babe. We are all here for you.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I have two states of depression - one where I drop weight like crazy because I can't be bothered to even eat. The other is much more common and is what you describe.

    First and foremost, please be sure you are getting help. Whether that is in the form of talk therapy, cognitive therapy, medication, spiritual meditation, etc. Just please, be doing something to attack the depression first and foremost. Worrying about your weight will just add to everything else and make you slip deeper into the depression.

    Second, and easier said then done, I agree with everyone that as hard as it is, the first step is getting out of the house, the gym is a great start (get those good endorphins going). Force yourself maybe to just go to the gym and walk on the treadmill 10 minutes. Babysteps. If you feel like going longer - good! If not, that's fine, too. Think of the gym as something you are doing for your mental health - not your physical health.

    Again, I know I"m a broken record, but first get help for the depression! Please!! I've been there and I lived in a black hole for so much longer then I needed to. You don't have to feel this way.
  • hhcote
    hhcote Posts: 78 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I suffer from seasonal depression. Well, actually it's "end of summer, shorter days, cold weather is coming soon" depression. I had gotten down to 150 one year and felt great! I hit such a depression that fall that I would have been on a curb somewhere if I were an alcoholic. Instead I ate my weight in halloween candy and gained 25 lbs between end of September and Christmas. Added another 15 lbs while in school (up late doing homework and noshing on crap).

    I'm really, really hoping this forum is the place to get support and self-control to help me get through this bleepin' fall/winter season on the losing side instead of the gaining side.

    If anyone need support, I would gladly accept a friend request. I need to stop living in isolation. : )