juice fast?!? ....thoughts?



  • Upcycled
    I've seen the film and read quite a bit on it. I've water fasted myself for days at a time and would recommend it to anyone. It's safe, as long as you don't have specific health complications and do your research first. A friend of mine (at 180lbs) juice fasted for 30 days and lost 20 lbs. She worked the rest of the weight off and two years later, weighs 130lb.
  • racheljones_2007
    racheljones_2007 Posts: 8 Member
    I just googled cameron and mitchell and watched that episode how funny lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Anyone ever try a Juice fast ? The one in particular I am talking about is featured in the documentary "Fat, Sick, and almost dead" (you can watch it on netflix) He takes a juicer and makes juice out of fruits and vegetables for each of his three meals. The reason he used a juicer is because in order for you to get the calories you need out of just fruits and vegetables(nuts and beans are also allowed) you would have to juice them because it would be way too many to eat. you can do it for a week as a detox (from caffeine, fast food, and other junk) or in his case he did it 60 days and lost a lot of weight (plus was able to be taken off his medication) and after the 60 days he adopted a healthy life style. and it seemed to be healthy. I was wondering if anyone has tried this or something like it ? any success or failure with it ?
    Meh. Any "liquid" diet is a fad and temporary at best. Also, lack of certain minerals and macros wouldn't steer me to doing this nor recommending it to clients.
  • lfronczek
    lfronczek Posts: 11 Member
    I did it for 14 days and lost about 9 lbs. The first three days were the hardest and I almost quit but I stuck it out. I don't think I would do it again because it was very time consuming and it was hard to manage the juice all day at work because I don't have a fridge.
    Also an FYI, you are not supposed to eat nuts while doing the Reboot:

    Can I eat nuts with a fast?

    Reboot Nutritionist Stacy Kennedy says:
    Nuts are not advised during the fast but raw, unprocessed nuts are great for afterwards.

    Source: http://jointhereboot.com/health-faq-am-i-getting-enough-calcium-during-my-reboot/
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    No, I have not tried it. I prefer the old fashioned method called "Chewing"....plus, I don't want a permanent toilet ring imprinted on my butt. If I ever get a sex life, that could limit things.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    and after the 60 days he adopted a healthy life style. and it seemed to be healthy.

    This is exactly why the juice fast is completely unnecessary. Just adopt a healthy lifestyle. Start today, not 60 days from now.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I'm not sure if i plan on doing it or not I am researching it for now I dont see really that it is unhealthy there is protein in the juice 9grams if i remember correctly I am kind of wondering if i do the juice and eat only fruits, vegetables,and almonds, with it hmmmm???anyways i am just checking into it I am not into quick fixes the reason this interests me is to get a clean slate food wise thank you for all your opinions by the way who is cameron and mitchell or whoever
    9 grams of protein? Just to keep the lean muscle you have without losing it to catabolism, you'd need about .8grams per pound of body weight.

    Cameron and Mitchell are characters on "MODERN FAMILY" and there was an episode on them juice fasting (and starving!!!!). It was hilarious, especially when Mitchell started to cry..............
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I wanted to try it but after tryin to buy enough fruits and veggies for the first week i was outta money by the second week and i didn't eat juice like every meal i only added in once or twice a day.
  • acerealtor
    acerealtor Posts: 6
    what most people forget about the film fat sick and nearly dead-- the fasting was the warm up for a lifestyle change -
    no caffeine, alcohol, sugar or processed food plus the introduction of an active healthy lifestyle.
    that last bit of the film was not emphasized as dramatically as the fasting itself.

    fasting may be a helpful tool for breaking the bonds of bad eating habits, or food addictions.

    the nutritional constitution of each juice is important. juiced root vegetable and fruits are
    high in sugar...vegetables above the ground are vitally important.
    it's good to be detailed about what your putting into you body daily.. and continue
    this vigilance when you start reintroducing solid foods. people most successful with long term weight loss are highly detailed about their diet daily and tracking caloric and, nutritional content, activity log, and weight logs. -source some documentary I saw on Netflix. it's a lot of work with the best payoff. your health... let's all run towards a healthy lifestyle

    I am on day 23 of a second juice fast. I was drinking daily and it scared me...two glasses of wine turned into four beers a day...
    so I s
    stopped everything nothing but juices until the desire goes away....
    it's still there, as is my desire for caffeine which I have cheated
    with black tea and sugar!
    .. so I will continue until the desire for sugar goes away or until my body says it's time to eat..

    breaking the fast it's my intention to use fresh 20... a shopping list meal plan program that helps you make meals at home using fresh ingredients... I don't feel great or enlightened and my skin does not glow... but I have not had drink in 23 days and
    I feel my personal feelings are more even keeled. And that is great for getting stuff done.
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    Have a juice a day, it is great for you and an easy way to get all of those nutrients in 10 seconds of drinking. But also eat food. Just stay under the calorie goals. And don't forget you can also blend that green drink, same drink but you get the fiber.