Input please

gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
So friends, I need some help! What are your thoughts.... Iphone 4S or HTC EVO 3D?? Gotta upgrade from my blackberry with all the problems lately....


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Evo. I had an IPhone and I hated that blasted thing with a passion I can not explain. The phone I have now (I believe it is a Samsung) may not be the "in thing" to have - but I like it far better than that dang IPhone I had.

    I have friends who have the Evo and really like it. My boyfriend has an HTC Hero and likes it - so I say go with the Evo!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    ^^ completely agree. xD not a fan of iphone!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I had the iPhone 3g - that was fine. got the iPhone 4g a little over a year ago - had problems with it from the get go. Finally just switched to an HTC Inspire 4G -- LOVE IT!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Anti-iPhone here. HTC opperates on the Android system. :heart: Android.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    i actually have the photon 4g but i used to have the evo and i loved it.... i passionately hate apple so eff apple
  • Laineegrrl
    Laineegrrl Posts: 80 Member
    I love my iphone.
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    Love my iPhone and all the available apps!!
    Quick on facebook and MFP
    Great recordable Google search - speak into your phone and it searches for what you want!
    I don't have email set up, but not sure if I need it.
    I take it with me when I run (using the C25k app)
    Got my music whereever I am!
    Ever ready camera too!
    A very convenient phone!

    Battery uses up alot when you play with your apps, but I love my iPhone - Thanks Steve Jobs!!

    Joyful in the Journey
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    If you like to tinker, customize, and personalize and can deal with the occasional glitch then go android - love my motorola atrix.
    If you want dead reliable, simple, and unchanging then go iPhone.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    i love my iPhone. it depends what you want to do with it, there are so many more apps and abilities to the iPhone and if you like the OS then there shouldn't be a problem. There is a reason they are the number one company in the world. I am waiting for my 4s to arrive as I type this so I can't say anything about the changes they have made. I had my 3g for over 2 years.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Nokia 7110. Coolest phone ever imo.
  • Serenitywithatwist

    I recently purchased the Iphone 3G and absolutely love it. Though from what I've read above I'd stay away from the Iphone 4.

  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I take you have Sprint. Only going off the brief time I was with them, I cannot say how the reception overall is in your area versus ATT. I will say the EVO, which my boss has is pretty fricken cool and as previously stated, with the open framework of Android it is very customizeable...But I have sercutiy issues with open platforms...

    As for the iPhone...I have the 4, and with the addition of Siri on the 4s am heavily weighing my decision to buy the new one. the iOS5 is slick, smooth, clean and EASY. With the integration of iCoud, you cant go wrong. Additionally, with other iPhone users, the texting becomes a chat in which everything is delivered via web and is danm near instant across ALL carriers. Presently with all carriers on other OS's there is a delay and in a lot of cases, a bottleneck off "lost" texts.

    I would lean for the, if Sprint would actually get people that cared to support their service and programs, I would migrate back to them...but hell no for now.
  • kp_88
    kp_88 Posts: 53 Member
    I had an iphone and liked my htc more so switched. Good luck!
  • darklord48
    darklord48 Posts: 114 Member
    I personally have an Samsung Galaxy S Epic 4G on Sprint. I love my phone, but I also have friends with an iPhone.

    If you are computer savvy, definitely go with an Android phone. If you want total control over your device, go with an Android phone. I would recommend an Android phone to my dad, he likes tinkering with technology.

    If you want a smooth user experience, go iPhone. Just make sure you get one of those bumpers to go around the edge, the antenna problems are real. I would recommend an iPhone for my mom, she expects technology to just work with minimal effort.
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    I love my iPhone. A few people at the office have had issues with android based phones but stick to it with a passion I've never understood. My iPhone has never given me problems (I'm on Verizon).
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    I had the Android and was sooo happy when it died this last time (I had to replace it twice in a year). I upgraded to IPhone 4 and love it. I suggest going to a store to check them out to see what you like better. Apps work so much better with iPhones, though I was able to do a good bit with the Android. The Android was much slower, as much as I wanted to make it work. I've been with Verizon forever and didn't want to change service since theirs is so much better than the other networks here in NYC. The iPhone has dealt with battery life and reception issues they previously had. The only drawback for me is that you can't send picture messages other than by email, and that you have to be connected to the net somehow if you want to do anything by email or text messaging. With Android I was able to work while in the subway where there's no cellular coverage, and all my messages & emails were sent/deleted/etc. once I got back to coverage area. Iphone has no such memory that I know of. Also, there's no keyboard--only touch screen. Otherwise, Iphone is much better and worth the trade-off for me. I know some die-hard iPhone haters though, so it's totally personal preference I think.:smokin:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Thank you everyone. It is a tough decision. I do have an Ipod touch, so I feel like getting the Iphone is almost the same and I'm kinda leaning for the EVO 3D. My husband just got an android phone and he loves it. But I love all the apps on my ipod LOL grrrrr