30 Day Shred & Other JM Workout Videos; Opinions?

TamLind83 Posts: 66 Member
edited October 3 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone who tried Jillians Michael's 30 Day Shred tried any of her other videos and had great results? I am going to order the 30DS since it's on sale on Amazon, but thought that I might get one of her other ones too. Let me know what you thoughts are on her other fitness videos if you don't mind.

I'm especially wondering about the "6 week - six pack" and "Ripped in 30". The other thing I am wondering is if anyone has used regular free/ hand weights for the "Shred It With Weights" kettle ball workout and if you felt like it worked well without the kettle ball.

Thanks everyone! : )


  • Hey! I LOVE her "No More Trouble Zones" and "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" videos, but they are intense and require a base of physical strength and stamina. I also like the 30-Day Shred and still use it occasionally when I only have 30mins to work out (the other two are one hour). I got into a good routine of doing them on alternate days and definitely saw results!
  • Melissag1984
    Melissag1984 Posts: 61 Member
    I have done the 30DS and lost 13.5lbs, I then tried "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" by JM and then also "No More Trouble Zones" i then lost 10 more lbs, im not on a 'diet' per say more of a change of eating habbits and more aware of what im putting in my mouth. I'm currently doing Ripped in 30 by JM and then after that plan on doing her 6 week Six pack.
    Also i have tried the Shred it with weights and kettle bell, I also used just reg. 3-5lb weights instead of the kettle bell, but i didnt like the workout very much, but im love with the Ripped in 30.

    Best of luck!
  • Melissag1984
    Melissag1984 Posts: 61 Member
    Also i have tried the Shred it with weights and kettle bell, but i didnt like them, but im loving Ripped in 30.
    Best of luck!
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    I have done the 30DS and am currently on week 2 of Ripped in 30. I have seen amazing results as far as muscle tone (especially in the upper body). On Ripped in 30, I have had to either modify a couple of exercises or do an entirely different exercise for parts of it because I have been having elbow pain. However, I love these workouts! Good luck and enjoy!
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